Words to Treasure
God saw everything he had made. And it was very good.
Genesis 1:31
Judy and Rosa walked carefully along the riverbank carrying jars with small baby salmon in them. They had hatched them from eggs in their classroom. The little fish were now ready to be released back into the stream. Judy had named her fish Fido, and Rosa had named her fish Willy. Their teacher said that Fido and Willy would swim downstream to the ocean to live and then swim back later to have babies. Because Chinook salmon are an endangered species, Judy felt good that she was doing something to help baby Fido and the environment.
God made our planet, and he expects us to take good care of this awesome gift. There are many areas in our world where animals and natural areas are in danger of being destroyed. What can we do? We have to do our part by doing things such as recycling and getting involved in programs or organizations that help our natural world. Judy is helping salmon in her community. What are you doing?
Did You Know?
God decided that man was pretty wicked (and he didn’t mean that in a cool, good way), and he decided to flood the world to get rid of all the evil people. But God wanted to protect the animals he created, so he told Noah to build a huge ship to save two of each animal. God had an ecological super plan, and so should we. What can you do to help our world and the animals in it? (See Genesis 6 – 9.)