Words to Treasure
So write down what you have seen. Write about what is happening now and what will happen later.
Revelation 1:19
The cliff went down and down and down to the thin blue line of river below. This crazy high canyon was out of some action adventure movie. The cable car docked on the ramp ready for another load of people and supplies. The car swung from a delicate line of steel cable. Fran’s knees began to shake, and she clung to the edge of the car as it sailed across the gorge to the far side. She looked down, both thrilled and terrified. When she got off the cable car, she was never so grateful for solid ground.
While she waited for everybody to cross, Fran took out her journal and began to write about her adventure in Ecuador. Her diary was full of thoughts, feelings, little prayers, and pictures she had drawn. She liked to write things down and get her feelings out. Sometimes she wrote letters to God in her journal. It helped to tell him everything, and it helped her to look back at all the amazing things God had done in her life. It was her own personal reminder diary of God’s greatness. You can start one too!
Discovering Archaeology
God held back the Jordan River from flowing down to allow Joshua and the Israelites to cross safely over the dry riverbed. God told Joshua to pile stones from the river to make a marker that would remind people in the future of God’s Jordon River miracle. It was kind of an ancient way of writing in a journal. (See Joshua 4:1 – 9.)