Words to Treasure
Instead, your beauty comes from inside you. It is the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. Beauty like this doesn’t fade away. God places great value on it.
1 Peter 3:4
Molly walked beside her new friend Udo as they herded goats toward the river. Molly loved being in Africa but hated to leave her new friend to go back home. Time went so fast. The girls sat down on the bank and watched the goats drink.
Udo turned to Molly, “You have light skin, and I have dark skin. Your eyes are blue, and mine are brown. Your hair is long and straight, and mine is curly.” Udo laughed, “We are both very pretty but very different. We are different on the outside, but inside I think we are like sisters we are the same. I am very glad we are friends.”
Did you know God’s kind of beauty is about the person you are inside? It is about how you make people feel when they are with you. A huge, gigantic part of being beautiful is liking how God created you inside and out — and liking how God created other people too. Being happy about being you shows on the outside, and that is beautiful. And that’s how God designed it to work. Being a good friend is God’s kind of beautiful.
Did You Know?
Did you know there are between 15,000 – 20,000 different types of butterflies? They’re all uniquely different and uniquely beautiful. Just goes to show you God wanted his world to be beautiful in so many different ways. Just like us.