January 15

Useless or Useful?

Words to Treasure

Start children off on the right path. And even when they are old, they will not turn away from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Timothy looked out the window of his classroom and dreamed of snowboarding, mountain biking, and other great adventures. School was hard and boring. He wondered why he was learning this stuff in the first place. Would he really ever need to know math or where stuff is on a map? What was the point of school anyway?

Timothy isn’t the first kid to have those thoughts. But stuff happens, and we never know what God is training us for in the future. Take King David. He probably wondered why he was sitting around day after day guarding his father’s sheep. What was the point?

The point is that David learned to use his shepherd’s sling, chasing off wolves, lions, and bears with the rocks he threw. Actually, God was preparing David for a showdown with a giant warrior named Goliath. The future of the entire kingdom would depend on David and his sling! Could he defeat Goliath?

He won the war and saved everybody with one throw of a rock. All that down time as a shepherd was important! Who knew? What’s God training you for in the future? Hard to say, but what you learn today just might be very important in the future. You never know.

Discovering Archaeology


What David used was a shepherd’s sling, which is basically two cords with a little pouch in the middle to hold a stone. Swing it around and release one side to send the sling stone flying. It’s one of the world’s oldest weapons.