Words to Treasure
Lord, I will give thanks to you, because you answered me. You have saved me.
Psalm 118:21
The wind rustled the tent roof, but the boys didn’t notice because they were listening to a story. It wasn’t a ghost story but it was a scary story. “One day,” Zuberi said, sitting on the sleeping bag with his friends, “men came into our village. We were very afraid. They took all the food we had in the entire village. We didn’t know what to do because we were so hungry. So my father said, ‘Let’s pray for our daily bread.’ You know, let’s say the Lord’s Prayer we say at church. But in Africa we were really praying for bread for that day to eat. It was not just a thing to say; it was a real prayer. We really needed food.”
“What happened?” The chocolate bar in Amos’s hand was melting.
“My father walked many miles to look for food. At last he found a bag of sweet potatoes sitting in the middle of the road. It must have fallen off a truck. It was a miracle. We thanked God.”
For many people around the world, the prayers that we take for granted — such as saying a prayer before we eat dinner — have a whole different meaning. So when you thank God today, be really, really thankful.
Live It!
You can say, “Thank You” in over 200 different languages. Each time you pray say thank you to God in a different language. Your parents can help.