Words to Treasure
My grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Meg melted down into a heap beside the crossed swords on the smooth floor. Her Highland dancing teacher, Mrs. Brown, passed a bottle of water. “I spotted a few mistakes that I think we should go over, Meg. This time, you kicked the swords twice.”
Meg lay down, enjoying the feeling of the cold wood dance floor. “I’m never going to get it perfect. I practice and I practice, but I’m never going to get it perfect.”
Mrs. Brown laughed. “Whoever said you could? I just want you to do your best. I know you can do that.” She clapped her hands. “Right, off the floor.” Meg groaned.
God never expects you to be perfect. God just wants you to work at doing your best. That’s not hard. Don’t worry, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are here to help you every step of the way. They love you when you do right things, and they love you even when you mess up. Nobody’s perfect. God knows that.
Live It!
Sometimes we try so hard to have everything perfect. We want to have a perfect room, have perfect clothes, or be the perfect student or the top athlete. Sometimes we get so focused on having everything perfect that we forget to enjoy the things God’s given us. Wanting to do your best is good, but always remember that your best is good enough. Perfection isn’t required.