Words to Treasure
Blessed are those who are humble. They will be given the earth.
Matthew 5:5
Okay!” Sammy inspected the junior campers on the boat dock. “Who canoes with me? I have mystery stuff stashed in my canoe, and the person who paddles with me can plot the ultimate practical joke on the rest of my crew. So who should it be?” The kids rushed forward, hands waving to be the chosen one. They shouted out reasons why they’d be the best pick. Shy Ivy (everybody called her that) stood in the back, quiet and hopeful. Sammy pointed at her. “Ivy, you are my co-pilot for the day. Come on up here.”
Shy Ivy was so surprised. “Me?”
Jesus said that heaven belongs to the poor and the ones who are needy in spirit, in other words, the humble guy, the person who understands that he or she doesn’t deserve anything and who is thankful for everything God sends. When you understand that God’s love isn’t something you have a right to have, but something God wants to give you, then you are on the path to being Jesus’ co-pilot. Being humble rocks!
People in Bible Times
AND the winner of The Biggest Pride Award in the Bible goes to the Pharaoh of Egypt. Give him a big hand. He went toe-to-toe with the most humble man on the planet, Moses. Pharaoh wouldn’t listen to God and got smacked with twelve really disgusting plagues until finally the royal guy got a big dose of humble pie and let God’s people go.