Words to Treasure
Some trust in chariots. Some trust in horses. But we trust in the Lord our God.
Psalm 20:7
Annette adjusted her helmet nervously as she glanced at the rolling, churning river beside her. The river guide pointed to the big yellow raft on the bank. “I know you’ve heard a lot of scary stories about this river. Before you get in that raft I have to know that you trust me with your lives. Trust that I know everything about this river and I know exactly what to do in every situation. And I have to trust you to do everything I tell you, when I tell you. If we do that, we are going to have the most exciting time of our lives whitewater rafting. Do you trust me?”
The entire team screamed, “YES!”
“Do I trust you?”
Annette picked up her paddle and shouted, “Yes!” She helped push the boat into deeper water. They climbed in and let the whitewater take them to the most dangerous adventure she’d ever been on. Annette trusted her guide. She also trusted God in this adventure and in her entire life. Do you?
Before the days of high-tech gadgets, Joshua sent spies to check out the land God promised them. And even though they came back with some scary reports, they still put their complete trust in God to help them win the land. Trusting God even when you’re totally afraid is just really smart.