Words to Treasure
“Do not gather for yourselves riches on earth. Moths and rats can destroy them. Thieves can break in and steal them. Instead, gather for yourselves riches in heaven.”
Matthew 6:19-20
The bed was tossed and pulled apart, all her drawers were dumped on the floor, and her little jewelry box was gone altogether. They had even taken her crystal horse. Abby began to cry. This wasn’t fair! The burglars had stolen everything that was important!
Her father walked into the room. “I’m sorry, honey.” He hugged her tightly. “But you know what? It’s just stuff. We can get new things.” Her cat crept out from under her bed. Abby picked her up, so relieved she was all right. Both she and her dad together petted the frightened cat. “See, love is the most important thing.”
That’s right. We may like the stuff we own, but it is just stuff. Replaceable, useable, throw-out-when-it’s-old stuff. Thousands of years ago Jesus told us that stuff rusts, rots, and falls apart, so our possessions shouldn’t be our focus. Instead, we should focus on what’s really important, like loving God, loving your family, loving your neighbors, and being God’s person on earth. Those are heavenly treasures that never wear out or get lost.
People in Bible Times
Jesus told a story of a rich farmer who had great plans for his wealth, but those plans didn’t seem to include being generous with the needy. Before he could use his wealth, he died. God called him a fool because he was not rich where it counts — in generosity. (See Luke 12:16 – 21.)