Words to Treasure
They should wear clothes that are right and proper.
1 Timothy 2:9
Nikki showed her mom the outfit she wanted to try on. Her mother’s eyebrows came together, and that was never a good thing.
“That shirt won’t even cover your belly button.”
“Mom, all the girls on TV wear these. Please, please.”
Her mom shook her head. “Honey, they dress like that because they’re performing. It’s like a costume. Real girls in the real world don’t need to show their belly buttons at school. I want you to have girl power.”
Nikki’s lower lip hung down to her chin. “What’s that?”
Her mother put her arm around her. “Being you, not somebody else. I thought you loved hoodies.”
Nikki thought about that. “I do.”
Her mom steered her toward a row of boarder hoodies. “Let’s check these out.” She pulled out one that was exactly what Nikki had been wanting. “What do you think?”
Nikki smiled. “Perfect. That’s so me.”
“Not those other girls?”
Nikki smiled. “Just me.”
Not too much to add to that. Remember, be you, not somebody on TV. Dress with style, dress with personal attitude, but don’t feel you have to dress in any way that makes you or your family feel uncomfortable.
Live It!
Today it’s popular to be critical about the clothes or styles people are wearing. They do it on television and in magazines all the time. Is it hot or not? Trashing is not right or cool. What you wear is your choice. Being critical of what other people wear really doesn’t look good on anybody.