July 25


Words to Treasure

You must give him the name Jesus. That’s because he will save his people from their sins.

Matthew 1:21

Next!” The baseball coach looked over his clipboard, “What’s your name, son?”

“Michael Anthony Bishop Richardson-Phillips the Third.” Michael waited for the expected reaction.

“Whoa.” A kid behind him had never heard such a long name.

“You’re kidding me.” The coach searched for his name. “I have a Michael Richardson-Phillips.”

“You can call me Mike. I’m a good shortstop.”

The coach made a note and nodded. “Long name, good shortstop. Your uniform’s over there. Next!”

Jesus also had several names. People called him all kinds of names or titles for different reasons: Jesus of Nazareth because Nazareth was the town he grew up in (not his last name). Jesus Christ because the word Christ means “anointed” or “Messiah.” Messiah, which means “expected deliverer,” or the person expected to save his people. Some called Jesus Emmanuel, which means “God with us.” Jesus called himself the Son of Man. That was kind of a cool way of saying, “I’m human, but I’m also the Son of God.” Jesus has dozens of names and titles in the Bible, and all of them tell us something special about him and what he did to save the world.

Did You Know?


Adam means “man” in Hebrew.

Eve means “life.”

Moses can mean “drawn out of the water.”

Esau can mean “hairy.”

Joseph means “God or Jehovah increases.”

David means “beloved.”

Esther means “star.”