Words to Treasure
“Suppose you come across your enemy’s ox or donkey wandering away. Then be sure to return it.”
Exodus 23:4
Claire leaned against the wall, not lifting a finger to help. The entire class was searching the museum for Brent’s lost notebook. As if she was going to help! Brent was mean to everybody. It served him right to have lost his notebook. Why, even yesterday he purposely hit her in the head playing dodgeball. She had pretended to laugh, but it had hurt. In fact, knowing Brent was going to get in trouble was just a perfect ending to a fun day at the museum. She wished everybody would stop looking so they could go have lunch.
Is that the kind of attitude Claire should have? What does the Bible say? Actually it teaches that if you find something that belongs to your enemy, go return it. Or if the guy who is mean to you is having a problem day, go help him anyway. We don’t get to pick and choose the person we help. God wants us to help people no matter how they’ve treated us. That’s called mercy, or kindness, and that’s something we must do. God is kind, and we should be too.
Did You Know?
Did you know an ox is kind of like a smart cow? Oxen are a large breed of cattle trained to understand commands to do things such as pull wagons, grind grain, plow fields, and pull other heavy objects.