August 29

That’s Big of You

Words to Treasure

Pharaoh’s daughter saw the baby. He was crying. She felt sorry for him. “This is one of the Hebrew babies,” she said. Then his sister spoke to Pharaoh’s daughter.

Exodus 2:6-7

Richard and his friends were hanging out and looking brave as they slid down the scariest slides at the water park. Kenny tugged on Richard’s arm. “I don’t want to go down these slides anymore.” Richard offered to take his little brother to the water park with his friends, but now Kenny was a big complaining pain. “You have to go down this slide because I’m going down this slide. And you have to do what I do.”

Kenny shivered, “Can’t we go down the little slides for kids my age?”

“I’m going to look like a complete idiot hanging out at the little kid slides. Richard was trying to keep his cool, but it was hard.

“Pleeeeeease,” begged Kenny.

Richard felt way too big as he stood in the water watching his brother slide down the little kid slides. Any cool he had was completely gone. He hoped Kenny appreciated this, because it was taking courage.

Being an older brother or sister sometimes takes a lot of courage. Take Moses’ big sister, Miriam. When Moses was floating down the Nile in a basket, Miriam followed to see what would happen to him. When Pharaoh’s daughter found the baby, Miriam the slave girl was brave enough to talk to a princess. That’s courage!

Live It!


Have you helped your brothers and sisters lately? Maybe they could use some help learning to tie their shoes, tell time, or count money. There’s a hundred ways you can step up and help out.