September 4


Words to Treasure

Those who are careful about what they say keep themselves out of trouble.

Proverbs 21:23

Riley was having a lot of fun chatting on this kids-only website. She was allowed to chat for an hour after she finished her homework. She really liked chatting with a kid named Mason. He was really funny, and he liked the same music, went to church, and loved dogs.

Mason wrote, “Why are Dalmatians no good at hide-and-seek? Riley replied, “Why?”

“They’re always spotted! Hey, Riley — what school do you go to?”

Riley wrote back. “LOL. Funny joke. As for school, that’s P.I. stuff.”

“What’s P.I. mean?”

“Private Information. Sorry, can’t tell you. Gotta go. Talk to you later.” Riley signed off.

Riley’s a smart kid. Never give out information about yourself to people you don’t really know — especially online, even if you chat with them a lot. If you have any doubts about a question, just don’t answer it.

Remember Samson in the Bible? He gave away P.I. stuff on how to defeat his strength, and look what happened to him. The Philistines captured him. Really not good. When you’re online, be safe, smart, and hush, hush on private stuff.

Live It!


Talk with the adults in your family about what type of information is okay to talk about online, on the phone, or with strangers, and what type of information should be kept private. If you need to, put a list of off-limits topics by the computer — P.I. stuff. And if in doubt, go ask your parents before you reply to any question.