September 12

You’re God, and I’m Not!

Words to Treasure

The LORD spoke to Job out of a storm. He said, “Who do you think you are to disagree with my plans? You do not know what you are talking about.”

Job 38: 1-2

Her dad was cleaning the garage when Samantha stomped in. “I’ve decided that we shouldn’t move. My friends are here, I like my school, and I don’t want to move to Dallas. Everything’s perfect for me right here.”

Her dad picked up his coffee. “I see. Just a few questions.”

“Go ahead.” She was confident she could make a good case for not moving.

“Do you have a job to support this family?”


“Do you know all the reasons why we’re making this move?”

“No. Are you going to tell me all the reasons?”

Her dad sipped his coffee. “No. All you need to know is that it is important for our family, and you, that we move to Dallas. End of discussion.”

“But, Dad!” Samantha complained.

“End of discussion,” warned her dad. “I’m the parent, and you are the kid.”

Sometimes your parents will make tough choices for your family. You have to trust that they’ve thought it out carefully and want what’s best for your entire family. They may know parent stuff that you don’t. That’s okay. God’s like that too. He knows stuff you don’t. He’s God, and you’re not.

People in Bible Times


When Job questioned God’s plan for his life, God gave him a short list of all the amazing things he did. In other words, God is Lord of the universe, and he knows what he’s doing. He’s God and you’re not. His wisdom is something you can’t question. But you can trust it.