Words to Treasure
Go in peace. The Lord is pleased with your journey.
Judges 18:6
Dylan felt shy as the golfers walked by with their bags full of clubs. He sat on a bench and watched them play. Their golf balls seemed to float on air until they dropped gently onto the green. Dylan had thought and thought about learning to play golf.
He walked bravely into the clubhouse and right up to the front desk. A man leaned on the counter. “What can I do for you?”
“I want to learn to play golf. I want to know what I need to do.”
“You’re smart, kid. Golf’s the best sport in the world.” The man pulled out a sheet of paper. “Here’s the list of beginner classes, times, and prices. If you’re going to do it — learn to do it right. Show that to your folks.”
Dylan carefully folded the sheet and put it in his pocket. “I will. Thanks.”
God wants you to explore his world and experience all kinds of new things. He wants you to discover amazing new talents and skills, because that’s all part of the journey called your life. What new thing do you want to try?
Live It!
Is there something new you want to learn or try? Do you want to learn to play a musical instrument, try a new sport, or volunteer somewhere? Go find out what it will take to do that new thing. You never know, it could be the start of an amazing new adventure. Don’t wait until later — do it today. You could be the next incredible world talent.