Words to Treasure
With smooth talk and with words they don’t mean they fool people who don’t know any better.
Romans 16:18
Cindy read the clue again. She was really good at mysteries, and now her treasure-hunting team was in third place out of twenty teams. A toy store had hidden a secret treasure somewhere around town. Marc walked over to Cindy. “I’ve been watching you, and you’re really, really smart. You’ve got to be the smartest kid in this treasure hunt. I was wondering . . .”
Cindy smiled as she figured out the riddle and checked her map. She looked up at Marc, “Don’t try to flatter me. I’m not going to change teams in mid-race and dump my friends.”
Marc looked insulted. “How’d you know I was going to ask you that?”
“I’m smart, remember.” Cindy jumped on her bike, and her teammates followed.
Sometimes people say nice things for all the wrong reasons. You can’t stop them, but you can be careful. You don’t need constant praise to feel good about yourself. Be confident in who you are and how God made you. Don’t listen to flattery or smooth talk, and never say nice things you don’t mean to get your own way or get what you want. Just be you, and be honest all the time.
People in Bible Times
Samson was the strongest guy in the Bible, but he was weak in the knees when it came to the flattery of a Philistine spy named Delilah. In the end, Samson told her the secret of how to defeat his God-given strength.