Words to Treasure
But those who listen to me will live in safety.
Proverbs 1:33
The car looked kind of funny half off and half on the stone garden wall. Richmond’s dad looked kind of funny as he surveyed the damage and waited for a tow truck.
Finally, his dad walked over to Richmond, Larry, and David. He gave them a serious gunslinger’s squint. “It seemed like a good idea to get in my car, turn it on, and then gun it in reverse across the garden?”
Richmond looked everywhere but at his dad. “No,” he answered honestly. “I knew it wasn’t a good idea. We just wanted to drive the car down the driveway. We didn’t think anything would happen.”
“Thinking,” agreed his dad, “was not a big part of today. And something did happen. My car is now a yard decoration.”
“Sorry, Dad.”
Everyone acts without thinking from time to time. Plenty of Bible characters did too — Adam and Eve, Moses, Samson, King Saul, and on and on. God gave us a brain to think before we act. But he’s gracious when we forget to use it. There is always a chance to turn brainless into smart. Use it.
Kids have been getting in trouble for thousands of years, and it was no different in Bible times. Brothers tricked each other, sold each other into slavery, or teased a prophet so bad they got smacked by bears. You can read those stories in the Bible and learn from their mistakes. You can be 2,000 years smarter by listening to that wise, smart voice in your head.