Words to Treasure
“What if Elisha the prophet had told you to do some great thing? Wouldn’t you have done it? But he only said, ‘Wash yourself. Then you will be pure and clean.’ You should be even more willing to do that!” So Naaman went down to the Jordan River. He dipped himself in it seven times.
2 Kings 5: 13-14
Her ski instructor didn’t look impressed with Zoe’s new ski style. “Okay, I tell you what. Why don’t you go to the Little Mountain run and work out some of the bad habits you’ve picked up skiing with your friends. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“What!” Zoe dropped her poles in surprise. “That’s the bunny hill. That’s for beginners! Totally embarrassing.”
Noel looked over her sunglasses at Zoe. “Well, it’s embarrassing for me to ski with you while you’re doing all those goofy things with your arms and legs. Seriously, go work it out. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.”
Zoe had been busted down to the easy run, but she had to trust that her instructor knew best. Kind of like the way General Naaman had to trust that the prophet Elisha knew how to cure his skin problem. As embarrassing as it was, Naaman rode his chariot to the river and jumped in seven times and got cured. And Zoe worked all afternoon and improved her moves on the bunny slope. Sometimes a little embarrassment is exactly what we need.
Discovering Archaeology
Chariots were the expensive “sports cars” of the ancient world. The rich liked to drive them, and everybody loved a good crash-’em-up chariot race. We know so much about chariots because some ancient people liked to have their chariots buried with them. And we found them.