Words to Treasure
CThere the angel of the LORD appeared to him from inside a burning bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire. But it didn’t burn up.
Exodus 3:2
Crista and Paul were flying kites on the windiest beach in the world. The day was sunny, and their families had hiked there to enjoy a picnic. Crista liked the feel of the sand between her toes as she ran with her eagle kite. Then suddenly — ouch! She felt something sharp. Glass! Her foot had a nice-sized cut. No one could find the first aid kit. Then they saw a dark and shiny figure rising out of the ocean. A scuba diver. He waved at the family as he took off his flippers. He was carrying a net bag full of shells and coral. When he saw Christa’s bleeding foot, he came over.
“Hey, I got something for that.” He pulled out a waterproof bag that held a tiny first aid kit.
Wow! God does work in mysterious ways. Nobody could have predicted that.
Live It!
God loves to surprise us with the unexpected, the amazing, and sometimes kind of unusual. Like talking from a burning bush, or having a donkey actually have a conversation with a man named Balaam. God is never boring. Check out this donkey talk story in Numbers 22:1 – 41. Are you ready for the unexpected?