October 13

May or May Not

Words to Treasure

They might listen, or they might not. After all, they refuse to obey me. But whether they listen or not, they will know that a prophet was among them.

Ezekiel 2:5

Katherine ran down the dock. A whole group of boys was getting into one rowboat. They wanted to fish together. There were arms, legs, fishing poles, and boat oars sticking out everywhere.

“Guys!” Katherine shouted at them. “You all can’t fit in that boat!”

“Sure we can!” shouted a voice from somewhere in the middle of the tangle.

“No you can’t. Believe me.” The boys laughed, and soon they were rowing away from the dock. Katherine called after, “You have to listen to me!”

One boy stood up. “See, we’re fine!” But then the boat started to rock, and the boys started shouting and yelling. Then the entire boat flipped over. They all landed in the chilly water. Katherine had never seen so many boys swim so fast to the dock.

They climbed out shivering and shaking. Katherine walked back down the dock without saying a word.

People may not listen to your wise advice, but give it to them anyway. Never say, “I told you so,” because they already know you were right. Being right is enough.

People in Bible Times


The Babylonians took 10,000 people with them as prisoners. These people became servants in Babylon. They were strangers in a strange country. But God gave his people a prophet like Ezekiel to go with them to comfort them during the hard years far away from home. To find out about this amazing prophet, read the book of Ezekiel.