Words to Treasure
The Lord and King never does anything without telling his servants the prophets about it.
Amos 3:7
The paddleboat was a lot of fun. It was kind of like riding a bicycle on the water. Four people could sit in the boat with two people peddling to move it along. Hugh, Peter, Jade, and Erin had explored most of the little coves along the shore. They had fed the swans and had spotted a muskrat slipping out of its den in the bank.
“Hey!” The teenager in a boat didn’t look happy as he motored up. “You’re late bringing the boat back in. If you don’t come back right now, I’m going to have to fine you for more time. Consider this a warning. If you got a watch, use it, for crying out loud.”
They had completely lost track of time. Hugh waved back and said, “We’ll come right back.”
Ancient Israel was off doing their thing, forgetting all about their responsibilities to honor God. So God sent out prophets to tell them to come back to him. The prophets warned them that there would be some heavy penalties to pay if they didn’t get right back to being godly people again. Remember, God always gives us plenty of warning. In the end, Israel listened and paddled right back to God.
Did You Know?
Did you know the prophet Amos was a farmer of sycamore fig trees? These trees have a really red fig, which is sweet. Some of these trees can be hundreds of years old.