October 25

Falling Star

Words to Treasure

Haman noticed that Mordecai wouldn’t get down on his knees. He wouldn’t give Haman any honor. So Haman was very angry.

Esther 3:5

Okay, everybody! Lunchtime!” Ms. Richards clapped her hands to get their attention. Jody pulled at her costume because it itched around the neck. She was glad to be part of the community play, but this costume was really horrible. Nevertheless, she was a trooper, and the show must go on. Jody found a place to sit so she could eat her lunch. Mary walked past with her lunch in hand, and Jody made room for her to sit. “Mary, you can eat lunch with me.”

Mary gave her a superior look. “Jody, I’m the star. I don’t eat with the cast. I eat in my dressing room.”

Jody took a bite of her sandwich and said, “Mary, it takes everybody to make a play happen . . . not just the star.” Mary walked past with a click of her red shoes.

Mary was expecting star treatment when she should be happy to be like everybody else. Feeling important about your self is never an attitude that God likes. Self-importance should not be important to you.

People in Bible Times


Haman was an important guy around King Xerxes’ kingdom, and he liked that feeling a lot. He liked it way too much. In fact, he thought about it all the time. He wanted everybody to look up to him and to show him honor all the time. Pride had made Haman an evil man.