Words to Treasure
Turn my eyes away from things that are worthless.
Psalm 119:37
Cara sat in her room and surveyed her kingdom. She had a flat-screen television in her room, a DVD player, a pink computer, video games, and an electric guitar with silent-mode headsets so she could play quietly. But Cara was bored, bored, bored. She had all this stuff, but all her friends were away for the holidays. All this stuff, and she still wasn’t happy. Stuff, she decided, didn’t mean a whole lot if that’s all you have. People are so much better than stuff.
God designed us to want to be with other people. We need family and friends to feel happy and complete. God wants us to value people way above other stuff in the world. People vs. stuff is no contest. People win every time.
Job had seven sons, three daughters, 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 pairs of oxen, 500 donkeys, and lots of servants to take care of everything. Why so many animals? Raising animals was the major business. The Bible often lists how many animals a person owned because that told you how rich they were. Money sure has made things easier. Try putting a camel through a bank machine money slot. Watch out — they spit.