Words to Treasure
“If a kingdom fights against itself, it can’t stand.”
Mark 3:24
Carlos and Hunter just couldn’t see eye-to-eye on how to run the snow fort. So after lunch, Hunter decided to take half of the kids and make a new fort. Carlos wasn’t sure that was a very good idea. If they stuck together, it would be better. But Hunter went off with five other kids, and they built their fort down the hill by the forest. It didn’t take long before the other team realized that instead of one big fort there were now two little ones to attack. Snowballs were flying everywhere until finally Carlos surrendered their fort and then Hunter surrendered his new and only half-built fort. They had been completely snowed-over by the other team.
Sometimes we can let arguments, different ideas, and other negative stuff separate good friends. That’s not the way God wants things to be. Working together on something is the best way to do things. When we let disagreements get in the way, things happen. Sometimes they’re not good things — such as a snowball blizzard attack that destroys your fort.
Wise Solomon started out following God, but slowly over the years he started to disobey God. For the world’s smartest guy, not so smart. This upset God. So after Solomon died, he decided to allow the mighty kingdom of Israel to be separated into two smaller kingdoms with two different rulers. One kingdom was called Israel, and the other kingdom was called Judah.