November 19

Promise Keeper?

Words to Treasure

A person is trapped if they make a hasty promise to God and only later thinks about what they said.

Proverbs 20:25

Marcus! Come on down. We rented a movie for tonight. Captain Courage! The one you’ve been waiting to see. We got pizza,” his mom called up the stairs.

Marcus walked slowly down the stairs and glanced at the big tennis trophy on top of the fireplace mantel. “I can’t watch the movie with you.” Marcus looked about as unhappy as cat in a bubble bath.

“Why?” his mother brushed hair from his face. “Are you feeling sick?

Marcus talked to his feet. “I made a promise to God that if I won the tennis tournament that I would never watch television again. I won.”

“Well, that is a problem.” His mom sat on the stairs. “We have to be very careful about what we promise God. That doesn’t sound very careful.”

“Mom, what should I do?”

God is not someone you should play let’s make a deal with. Promising to do or not do things to get God to give you something good in return is never a good idea. Especially if the promise is almost impossible to keep. It’s okay to pray to God about things, but promises are very special. Take them very seriously.

Live It!


What would you do if you were Marcus? Talk about it with your parents and friends. Have you ever made a promise you wish you could take back? Have you ever made a promise you’ve broken?