Words to Treasure
So the heavens and the earth and everything in them were completed. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing.
Genesis 2:1–2
The brilliant red Siamese fighting fish watched his bubble nest very carefully. Inside the patch of air bubbles were his eggs. When an egg sank down to the bottom of the tank, he quickly gathered it in his mouth and spit it back into the nest. Nigel watched his fish. For a fighting guy he was a pretty good dad! Nigel’s mom walked into his room. “Have any eggs hatched yet?”
“Nope. But Will Scarlet and I are standing guard. Pretty cool that I made baby fighting fish.”
His mom put his laundry on the bed. “You made baby fighting fish? I think Will Scarlet and Sapphire made baby fighting fish.”
“Yeah sure,” Nigel admitted, “but I provided them the right kind of tank, water temperature, food, and stuff. I mean I’m in charge of everything.”
“If you’re doing all the work, maybe the fish are training you.” His mom whistled as she left the room. Nigel had to think about that.
Try to answer this question. If God created humankind — who created God? Got ya! Nobody can answer that. One of the gigantic, unanswerable mysteries of life. We just have to have faith that God exists and that it was his super big, creative intelligence that created everything else.
Did You Know?
Scientists can’t even guess how many different types of animals and plants live on our planet. We haven’t discovered all of them yet. But God knows and created every type of living thing.