December 6

Looking Good!

Words to Treasure

Then God said, “Let us make human beings so that they are like us. He created them to be like himself.

Genesis 1:26

Great-Aunt Mavis inspected Lilly as she served tea. “My, haven’t you grown! And I’d say your eyes are your mother’s, but your mouth and ears are certainly your father’s.”

My ears! Lilly wanted to scream. Dad’s ears stuck out. Lilly wanted to die. She absolutely did not have her father’s ears. Did she?

“Speaking of ears.” Great-Aunt Mavis chuckled as she passed a neatly wrapped present to Lilly. “My birthday gift to you.” Lilly opened the little box and inside were some beautiful pearl earrings. Great-Aunt Mavis sipped her tea. “For your pretty little ears.”

“My ears don’t look like my dad’s?”

“Certainly not!” Aunt Mavis passed her an almond cookie. “Your father’s ears stick out like satellite dishes.”

We all have things about us that remind us of our parents — the way we look or talk. But did you know that God created us to look very much like him? We don’t know exactly what God looks like, but if the Bible says we look like him, that’s a big hint.

Did You Know?


The amazing thing about Jesus is that today nobody knows exactly what he looked like. There are no paintings of Jesus from when he was on earth. The paintings you see today are all what the artists imagined Jesus would look like.