December 19

One Brilliant Idea!

Words to Treasure

The king was filled with joy. He ordered his servants to lift Daniel out of the den. So they did. They didn’t see any wounds on him. That’s because he had trusted in his God.

Daniel 6:23

The police officer walked Monica over to the van so she could look in the window. The two dogs growled at her as they sat in cages inside. “Are those the dogs?”

Monica nodded and said, “Those are the dogs.”

“Miss, you are very lucky.” The police officer took off his cap and wiped his forehead. “They badly bit a man near here. Using your trumpet to scare them away was a smart thing to do. What made you think of that?”

Monica’s mom put her hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “I prayed and that’s what came to my mind. It was the only thing I could think of,” said Monica.

Daniel was saved from the lions. Not such good news for the wicked people who caused Daniel to be thrown to the lions. They were thrown to the lions as punishment for their wickedness, and they got eaten right away. It was proof that it wasn’t about tame and gentle lions, it was about a protective God.


Thousands of years ago, lions were wild in Israel. Kings kept lions as a way of punishing people, the way it happened in the book of Daniel, by keeping them hungry in pits. Royalty would also hunt lions for sport. A male lion can weigh over 500 pounds. But there were also stories of the gentleness of these amazing creatures as in “Androcles and the Lion,” the tale told by an ancient Greek named Aesop.