December 26

Won’t Last

Words to Treasure

The king had all the words of the Book of the Covenant read to them.

2 Kings 23:2

Don’t touch it!” Rudy flew across the room and wedged himself between his friends and his brand-new mountain bike. “You’ll scratch it.”

“Dude.” Lance shook his head. “It’s a mountain bike. You’re going to be riding down nasty mountain trails. Your bike’s going to get scratched. It’s going to get mangled.”

Rudy polished the bike with his sleeve. “I’ll be careful.”

“The way you were with your old bike?” Lance couldn’t help but laugh at his friend. “You rode it off a cliff into a river. It took your dad three days to get it out.”

“I’ve changed.” Rudy examined his bike for dents and scratches. It was perfect.

“It’s important now.” Lance touched the bike, just to annoy his best friend. “But later it won’t be so important anymore. You’ll see.”

Funny how the things we’re so proud of eventually get forgotten or less valued. The prophet Obadiah talked to the proud people of Edom. They had carved a very cool stone city into the cliff-side. It was surrounded by steep hills and canyons, and they felt like the coolest kids on the ancient block. But over time, the city was abandoned and forgotten. Sometimes what we’re most proud of doesn’t last very long.

People in Bible Times


When teenage king Josiah rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem, he discovered buried in the back the most precious thing in the world — God’s holy book. It had been lost for years. He read God’s words to all his people. Now that he knew God’s laws, things were going to change for the better. Now that’s a gift that lasts. Check out 2 Kings 22.