February 7

Growing Faith

Words to Treasure

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, it is enough. You can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there.” And it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

Matthew 17:20 – 21

The doctor carefully took the bandages off Reid’s hand. Reid didn’t remember much of the snowmobile accident or going into surgery. When he woke up, he was in a hospital bed and he had this big bandage on his arm. The doctors weren’t sure how well his hand would work after that.

Now, after weeks of recovery they’d find out. Reid did a silent prayer to God. But did he have enough faith to believe that God would take care of him no matter what the results? The doctor gently touched Reid’s hand. “Can you wiggle your fingers for me, Reid?”

The moment seemed to last a lifetime as his entire family watched and prayed. One by one, his fingers moved slightly. The doctor’s smile was almost as enormous as Reid’s.

What exactly is faith? It means believing and trusting in God’s power to help us. How much faith do we need? What’s the right size? Jesus said that even if we had faith the size of a tiny mustard seed that’s enough to believe amazing things can happen. And, like a mustard seed, our faith can grow.


In ancient times, mustard was used to spice up or pickle food. It was often used as a medicine to heal all kinds of things from rashes, toothaches, colds, indigestion, headaches, sprains, and, some believed, scorpion stings and snake bites. The Greeks thought the little mustard seed was a gift to mankind.