February 10

Help Is Near

Words to Treasure

The Friend is the Holy Spirit. He will teach you all things. He will remind you of everything I have said to you.

John 14:26

The teacher nodded, “Sally, tell the class why you believe in God.” The entire class turned and stared at her. She didn’t know what to say. She was nervous that the other kids would make fun of her.

But suddenly she wasn’t nervous anymore. She talked about Jesus being her best friend and how that friendship made her feel good inside. Talking about Jesus didn’t seem awkward; it just seemed normal. The class listened intently and then asked questions. Nobody made fun of her.

Why wasn’t Sally nervous anymore? That was the Holy Spirit helping her. Jesus promised that God would send us a helper who would never leave us: the Holy Spirit. That helper is the third person of the Holy Trinity, which includes God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives within us and acts as a teacher, helper, and friend. Like God, the Holy Spirit is always with you, loves you, and is right there ready to help when you need it.

People in Bible Times


The apostle Paul and his friend Barnabas went to talk to the governor of a place called Paphos. But something wasn’t right with the governor’s attendant. He was in fact an evil magician acting against Paul. But the Holy Spirit gave Paul the heads-up, and they sent the evil guy packing. Holy Spirit to the rescue! (See Acts 13:6 – 12.)