Words to Treasure
“He was lost. And now he is found.” So they began to celebrate.
Luke 15:24
They were finally here. Amelia and her family were at the biggest amusement park ever. Rides everywhere, buildings everywhere, and people everywhere. Amelia didn’t know if she wanted to go on Mountain Madness or Explorer River first. She and her brother started to run down one of the pathways.
“Wait!” Her dad ordered them back with a wave. “See that mountain ride over there?” They nodded. “If you get lost, go straight to the information booth right next to it. If you can’t find us, talk to a park employee, then wait for us. They will help you until we find you. Keep these two maps with you. I circled where you should go. Okay?” Amelia and her brother nodded again and tucked the maps in their back pocket. “Okay, let’s go ride rides until we’re sick!”
Do you know who to go to when you need help or get lost? Talk with your parents about the people and the plan you should use if you ever face trouble. Safety first.
People in Bible Times
There was a young man that got himself soooo lost. How lost? Well, he left home and partied until he was so broke he was living with pigs . . . no seriously, in a pig sty. But, he knew exactly where to get found and helped. He went home to a loving father. Getting found is the best feeling in the world. Check out this riches to rags to riches story in Luke 15.