February 23

Why a Story?

Words to Treasure

He taught them many things using stories.

Mark 4:2

Mac raised his hand. “If Jesus wanted us to learn about God and heaven, why didn’t he just tell us? Why did he tell us so many stories?”

Mr. Lund closed his Bible. “Okay. In school you’ve just learned about space and the solar system. Pretty complex stuff, right? Planets, suns, black holes and galaxies.” The class nodded. “But you understand it because you’re in the fourth grade. Right? I wonder, how would you explain outer space to your two-year-old brother?”

“Not very easily,” Mac laughed, “He’s too little.”

His teacher leaned forward in his chair. “That’s right. But we might tell him a nursery rhyme about how a cow jumped over the moon. This teaches a little kid about the moon. And the moon is part of . . .”

Mac smiled, “our solar system. I get it. When it comes to understanding God . . . we’re like little kids.”

Jesus told easy-to-understand stories to help us learn about a really, really complex thing called the kingdom of heaven. Can you make up a story that teaches somebody else about God?

Did You Know?


Did you know that you can find 30 of Jesus’ parables or stories in the New Testament part of your Bible? Go ahead and read some of them, and then talk to someone about what you think those stories say about God, heaven, and you.