January 4

The Path

Words to Treasure

She placed the child in the basket. Then she put it in the tall grass that grew along the bank of the Nile River. The child’s sister wasn’t very far away.

Exodus 2:3-4

David and Noel walked along the worn dirt path along the river. Not just any river — the Nile River in Egypt, one of the oldest and most famous rivers in the world! Noel looked back at the ancient ruins they had just explored. “David, how many people do you think have walked along this path?” Noel looked around. “This trail could be thousands of years old.”

David shrugged and said, “Thousands of people.” The boys watched a felucca sail by, a type of sailboat used since the time of the pharaohs.

Noel climbed up on a rock. “Maybe Moses or Joseph sat right here. We could have followed their footsteps on the trail.”

“Footprints would be long gone by now.”

True! But the important thing to remember is that Joseph and Moses were real guys who lived in a real place called Egypt. And when we read about them in the Bible, we’re learning important stuff such as how they learned to have faith in God in every situation, good and bad. Just because what they did happened a long time ago, doesn’t mean it isn’t important today. They may be dead guys, but they’re still an example for us to follow. Cool, huh?

Discovering Archaeology


Did you know that when Joseph first arrived in Egypt, the great pyramids of Egypt were already hundreds of years old? Joseph could have been another pyramid tourist.