March 11

Too Thin Is Not In

Words to Treasure

What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well. None of my bones was hidden from you when you made me inside my mother’s body.

Psalm 139:14-15

Lindsey looked in the mirror and didn’t like what she saw. She wanted to be super thin. The only problem was that she liked to eat a normal, healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. To stay thin, some of her friends threw their lunches away at school. Her mother said Lindsey looked beautiful and sporty. Her mother explained that being too thin is not good for you.

Sometimes, instead of looking at the things we like about our bodies, we only look at what we don’t like. Then pretty soon that’s all we see. We compare ourselves to the people in movies or television. News flash — some of those people are also very unhealthy and unhappy people. With negative thinking, we can actually make our brains dislike our own bodies even though we are beautiful. Do you know what? You are amazing just the way you are. Perfect in every way God made you.

Live It!


How we see ourselves and how other people see us can be two completely different things. Sometimes all we see are the things we don’t like about our bodies. But that’s not what other people see. Ask a good friend to describe the way you look. Did you hear? Yup, that beautiful person is you!!! Believe it!