March 15

God Is Listening

Words to Treasure

Even before they call out to me, I will answer them.

Isaiah 65:24

Wilson ripped open his report card and found out that he didn’t do as well as he had hoped. How could that be? He had prayed for a better report card every night. Didn’t God hear him? What’s the point in praying if nothing happens? Wilson headed for the exit door, but Mr. Wu stopped him. “Good work this term, Wilson. But I do think you could do better. I have some ideas that might help how you study. I’ll be in my classroom after school on Tuesdays if you’d like some help.”

Wilson sighed, “Thanks, Mr. Wu, I’ll stop by.”

First off, God always hears our prayers. There’s no problem with God’s hearing. The difficulty comes when we’ve already decided what the answer to our prayers should be. Wilson had decided that the answer to his prayer should be a straight-A report card. But that’s not the way God had it worked out. Maybe God’s answer was putting Mr. Wu in Wilson’s life to help him learn how to study better. God is listening and helping us — his way.

People in Bible Times


When the Israelites were in the desert, they got kind of tired of eating manna (the food God gave them) every single day. So they prayed for a change. God’s answer was to dump a whole ton of little birds called quail on their camp. But he wasn’t too pleased with the complaining. Be content with God’s answers to your prayer. What God gives you should be enough.