March 25


Words to Treasure

I reached out my great and powerful arm. I made the earth. I made its people and animals. And I can give the earth to anyone I please.

Jeremiah 27:2

Moe was on the threshold of awesome. This was the largest indoor wave pool in the world. Five acres of indoor tropical paradise with water slides and bungee jumping. The pool was like a lagoon. The waves rolling across the pool were at least six feet high. The person who thought up this place had to be the coolest person on the planet. Even though it was snowing outside, it was wave-o-rama under the big glass ceiling.

Pretty impressive all right. Now, imagine something even more amazing. Glaciers that touch the sky, huge oceans, massive rivers, deep jungles, and sand dunes like mountains. Our planet — our own amazingly colossal home created for us by God. Man makes some cool things, but God’s creativity is ginormously beyond it. He makes everything wonderful. No competition.

Did You Know?


Did you know the Earth’s diameter (the distance around its middle) is 7.928 miles or 12760 kilometers? And our planet is made up of 70.8% water and only 29.2% land. Anyone for a swim?