Words to Treasure
God spoke to Israel in a vision at night.
Genesis 46:2
Christa was very, very quiet for a very long time, but still she couldn’t hear anything — nothing, nada, zip, silence. This wasn’t going to work. She wasn’t hearing God. She didn’t even know what he was supposed to sound like. Why did God talk only to those special guys in the Bible?
Those special people were called prophets. They were special but also pretty ordinary people — ordinary people who happened to hear from God. They were fisherman, shepherds, farmers, slaves, tentmakers, and kings. They were ordinary people like you but with an extraordinary close friendship with God. They loved God, and hey, so do you. That works!
God does talk to us even today. Sometimes we hear him in our minds and hearts, and sometimes God talks to us through the things people say to us or through things that happen to us. Sometimes he talks to us through what we read in the Bible or through answers to our prayers and the prayers of other people for us. God is talking to us, but we have to learn to listen in new ways.
People in Bible Times
A prophet named Amos wasn’t a priest or a person with religious training; he was a farmer, shepherd, and merchant. But God gave Amos an assignment, and he was ready for the job.