Words to Treasure
Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God. Believe in me also.
John 14:1
The giraffe reached up and with long lips pulled at the leaves of the tall savannah tree. Not far away, little gazelles flicked their tails as they grazed. The guide, Neo, pointed to a leopard sleeping in a tree across the clearing. Wow! His eyesight was amazing! Meg could hardly see the cat sleeping in the shade. Neo passed Meg the binoculars. She took in the scene and wondered if heaven could be this beautiful. Could anything be this beautiful?
That’s a question people have been asking for thousands of years: What is heaven like? And where is it? Nobody knows the answers, because that’s one of the mysteries of life. Think of the most beautiful place on earth, and know that heaven will be even better. Heaven will be amazingly everything good. Jesus said that in his Father’s house are many rooms. And God is preparing a place for the people he loves, a special place for each of us. Jesus asked us not to worry, but to trust our entire future to him. The one thing we can be sure of is that heaven won’t be a disappointment. In God we trust.
Did You Know?
The prophet Elijah didn’t experience death as we know it. Instead, he was suddenly taken up to heaven on a horse-drawn chariot that rode on a strong wind. What an incredible and surprising exit for an incredible and surprising man of God. (See 2 Kings 2:11 – 12.)