Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint photographs:

  2.1:  Photo by Donald Glaser, used by permission of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  2.2:  Photo by Donald Glaser, used by permission of Lynn Glaser

  2.3:  © Pierre Terre; photo used under Creative Commons License 2.0. Source: http://​www.​geograph.​org.​uk/​photo/​949593

  3.1:  © 2011 Jane Hirshfield

  4.1:  Kyoto file photo from Wikimedia; photo used under Creative Commons License 2.5. Source: http://​en.​wikipedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Kyoto-​Ryoan-​Ji_​MG_​4512.​jpg

  5.1:  Photo used under Creative Commons License 2.0. Source: http://​ja.​wikipedia.​org/​wiki/​%E3%​82%​B5%​E3%​82%​A4%​E3%​82%​B3%​E3%​83%​AD

  7.1:  Photo used under Creative Commons License, 3.0. Source: http://​en.​wikipedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Times_​Square_​112808%​282%​29.​jpg

  8.1:  Photo by Derek Key, photo used under Creative Commons License 2.0. Source: https://​www.​flickr.​com/​photos/​derekskey/​5249593792/​in/​set-​72157625​570278728

  8.2:  Photo used courtesy of the Library of Congress

10.1:  Painting by Adriaen Coorte, 1697; photo from Wikimedia, used under Creative Commons License 2.0. Source: http://commons.​wikimedia.​org/​wiki/​File:​Adriaen_​Coorte_-_​Still_​Life_with_​Asparagus.​jpg