is not present if there has been a change of partners
(there has been no change of partners)
is the house with a notice taped to the door
& abandoned glow-in-the-dark stars still adhered
to the foreclosed ceiling & the developer
says it will never sell—the basement has been
condemned, did you see the exposed rebar?
The language of happiness
is an inherently inwardly focused experience
is a private affair
is the new black
because my mother went
to the shrouded grave of the Rebbe
& Jesus loves my body like
an empty plastic egg that breaks
in half at the waist waiting to be filled
with small gifts (if we were lying
we’d clap our mouths) I’m just
not telling you everything
youbetterbelieve & blessyourheart
is always stressful,
this language of happiness
is wrecking our friendship
(you’re pregnant)
is hectic: I drive the highway
& drive the highway & drive
the highway—you get the picture—
& wait for a woman to say my name
in the waiting room of the language
of happiness we are engaged in collusion
to solve a common problem that is often
quickly treatable, a condition of the [inexplicable]
that impairs conception
the language of happiness is not bracketed—
three unprotected years of nature & then some
for a common problem, a system, an inability
despite an act of love strongly associated
with a body, dear body, can you be
a speeding cab that stops to pick up
a passenger, even if you’re off duty?
The driver is on his cell phone again.
We’re on the West Side Highway, body,
& behind those lit windows people
are folding & folding & folding
themselves in half like paper.
O fortune teller. O future.