Jackson, Andrew— Continued Political Activities to 1829— Continued
appointment to Mexico, 360, 363; aversion to presidential politics is changing, 360-362; Pittsburgh enthusiastic for him, 363; agrees formally to his candidacy, 363-364, 369; his availability, 369; popular opinion for, 370, 375, 384, 390-391; comes out for protective tariff, 373; Donelson becomes his secretary, 374; advocates non-partizan Cabinet selections, 375, 396; William Polk declares for him, 375, 376; elected Senator, 378; goes to Washington with Eaton, 378; at O'Neale's boarding house, 379, 385, 387, 391; orders new clothes, 380; reconciliations with former enemies, 382; social conquests, 380, 382, 384; chairman of Committee on Military Affairs, 382; defends Margaret Timberlake, 387; against caucus system, 388-389; Pennsylvania for him, 390; Adams considers him formidable rival, 392; suggests him for Vice President on Adams ticket, 393, 402; slogan, 393; on floor of Senate, 393, 401; supports protective tariff, 394, 395, 401; responding to allegiance of the masses, 394-395; criticism of tariff stand strengthens his resolves, 397; hastens home, 397; campaign personalities, 400-401, 404-405; Calhoun's attitude toward him, 403; favorite in "straw" votes, 405; slander Mrs. Jackson as political weapon, see Andrew Jackson and His Wife; election returns, 408-411, 414-415; travels to Washington, 409-411; against intrigue, 411, 422, 431, 433; at Gadsby's Tavern, 412, 422; borrows from Coffee, 411; Clay makes a bargain with Adams, 429-430, 433, 436-440; see also Bargain, the "Corrupt"; Adams is elected on first ballot, 439; greets Adams, 441; stops testimonial din-
Jackson, Andrew— Continued Political Activities to 1829— Continued
ner plan, 441; "corrupt bargain" cry, 442-445, 472; homeward bound, 446; remarks to Mr. Wylie on the bargain, 446-447; announces candidacy for 1828, 448; politics booming, 450; invitations to appear, 451; renominated for presidency, 451, 452; resigns from Senate, 451, 452; makes his longest political speech, 451; campaigning free style, 453-469, 472; desperate elements drift to him, 455; the Telegraph established, 456; "say nothing and plant cotton," 456, 458, 464; test of new party machine, 457; successful in 1826 elections, 457; imbroglio with Southard, 457-458; Clay involved in Jackson slander, 462-468; electioneering tour, 470; anti-Calhoun intrigue, 470-471; chameleon on issues, 471; election stories, 472; triumphant at the polls, 472. Presidential Administrations— Bank Controversy—
History of Jackson's feeling toward Bank of the United States, 556-559; suggests establishment of some agency to take place of Bank, 524; Biddle tries to bluff Administration, 560-561; he fails and seeks its friendship, 561-562; Jackson plans for an alternative to the Bank, 558-560, 584-585; testimony on use of Bank money in elections, 562; Biddle calls on Jackson, 562; Jackson insists on mentioning the Bank in his message, 563-564, 566; calls Bank a "hydra of corruption," 564; still working on Bank substitute, 564-566; Biddle willing to compromise, 585; Jackson apparently willing, 586; Bank question seems on way to settlement, 586; Clay works to disrupt Jackson-Biddle rapprochement, 588; he succeeds,
Jackson, Andrew— Continued Presidential Administrations— Continued
Bank Controversy— Continued 590; Jackson men counter with House investigation of Bank, 598-599; Biddle forces pass bill for re-charter, 599-600; Jackson's vetoes sustained, 602; House retorts that government deposits are safe, 623; Jackson resentful, contemplates their withdrawal, 629-630, 632-634; Cabinet divided, 630-649; Biddle's suspicious loans to congressmen, 631; Taney favors withdrawal, 633-634; McLane opposed, 634-635; Jackson plans to withdraw deposits, 634-636; Secretary of Treasury, 638-639, 642-643; 645-648; Duane declines to issue withdrawal order, 645, 648-649; Jackson makes Taney Secretary of Treasury and he discontinues deposits, 650; Biddle strikes back, calling loans of state banks, 650-651; country feels stringency, 652; outcry against Jackson, 654; battle begins in Congress, 655 et seq., panic strikes country, 656; Biddle's loans to congressmen and propagandists, 657-659; Jackson resumes offensive; "Go to Nicholas Biddle," 661-663; trend turns against Bank, 671-673; Biddle weakens, 673; Biddle unmasked, 673; Jackson victorious in House, 675; Bank doomed, 680; see also Bank of the United States and Nicholas Biddle. Eaton Affair—
Advises Eaton not to delay marriage, 508-509; insists that Eaton accept Cabinet position, 491; foreign berth suggested for Eaton, 492; President is adamant, 492; chides Emily Donelson for her treatment of Mrs. Eaton, 495; blames Clay for Eaton gossip, 495; deciding factor in Branch and Ber-
Jackson, Andrew— Continued Eaton Affair— Continued
rien appointments, 511; feminine members of White House family, 512; Lewis advocates Margaret's cause, 513, 514, 518; President and his nephew call, 514; Emily threatened with exile, 515; correspondence on reputation of Mrs. Eaton, 516; taunts R. K. Call, 516; Calhoun party unco-operative, 517-532; refutes testimony against Mrs. Eaton, 518-519, 523; unique Cabinet meeting, 518, 531; feels responsible for Eaton's unfortunate position, 532, 533; Cabinet dinner a "hollow ceremony," 533; threatens Cabinet members with dismissal, 535, 547; banishes niece and nephew, 547-548, 552; Eaton issue in Tennessee, 552; considers it now a political affair, 571; Emily offers to compromise, 572-573, 574; Donelson resigns, 572, 574; resists pressure to send Eaton away, 573; Eaton resigns, 575; parts from Eaton, 577; in the campaign of 1832, 606; offers Eaton governorship of Florida, 677; sends Eaton to Madrid, 713; see also John H. Eaton, Margaret Eaton, and Margaret Timberlake. Foreign Policy—
Mentioned in first message to Congress, 523; British West Indian ports opened, 552; claims against Naples settled, 683; against Spain, 683; against Denmark, 683; French asked to pay, 681; treaty signed, 681-682; French refuse to keep it, 682; Jackson's strong message, 683, 684; martial ardor in France and America, 684-686; France offers to pay if we apologize, 695; Jackson refuses, 696; diplomatic relations severed, 697; France backs down, 697-698; Texas annexation long desired, 356, 699; failure of Jackson's early efforts, 699-701; Hous-
Jackson, Andrew— Continued Foreign Policy— Continued
ton's early career in, 702-705; Jackson hears of victory at San Jacinto, 705; his equivocal policy toward Mexico, 705; Texas issue involved with slavery, 705; Jackson refuses to press for annexation, 715; urges Texas to claim Californias, 716, 751; recognizes Texas Republic, 719; see also Texas and Andrew Jackson, Political Influence after Retirement. Indian Policy—
Mentioned in final message to Congress, 523; supports Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi in their violation of Federal treaties, 549; relation to nullification in South Carolina, 548; attempts to keep question out of courts, 550; addresses Chickasaws, urging them to move West, 550-551; Chickasaws sign removal treaty, 551; Choctaws sign, 552; Chickasaws repudiate removal treaty, 580; Cherokees and Creeks refuse to remove, 580; Georgia overrides United States Supreme Court, 580; Jackson declines to interfere, 581; South Carolina nullifiers elated, 581; Georgia again defies Court, 603; "John Marshall has made his decision. Let him enforce it," 603-604; Chickasaws sign new removal treaty, 604; Creeks sign, 604; Policy helps Jackson against South Carolina, 616; Houston supports policy as best Indians can hope for, 702; Black Hawk War, 612; Seminole War, 711; southwestern frontier tribes, 702. Nullification in South Carolina— Proposes conciliation and compromise on tariff, 523-524; thinks Hayne too sympathetic with nullifiers, 529; must act on the issue, 531; for Webster or Hayne, 536-537; Jefferson dinner, 538-540, 542; toast to the Union, 540, 581;
Jackson, Andrew— Continued Nullification in South Carolina—
to oppose South Carolina's efforts, 548, 580; warns nullifiers, 581, 582, 604; waits for South Carolina to start trouble, 607-608, 610-611, 615; denounces nullifiers, 608, 610, 617; Nullification Proclamation, 610-612, 617-619; Van Buren disagrees, 615-616; tariff compromise proposed, 616, 619-620; supports Unionists, 618; South Carolina yields, 619, 621; Jackson insists upon Force Bill, 619-621; realizes nullification question not settled, 622, 624.
Spoils System—
Job seekers overflow Washington, 489-490, 491; 496, 497; McLean objects to removals, 498; Jackson's "principles" on, 499, 500; patronage seekers disappointed, 496-506; Jackson opposes "clean sweep" of offices, 498; exaggerated accounts of removals, 499; Van Buren's part in, 501-502, 504, 506; he obtains ascendency over Calhoun, 520; talk of Jackson's impeachment, 521; approximate total of removals, 520-522, 861-862; good and bad effects, 522.
Texas— see Andrew Jackson, Presidential Administrations, Foreign policy.
Minor Incidents—
Arrival in Washington awaited, 488; death rumored, 488; at Gads-by's, 488, 493; Cabinet selection, 490-492, 495, 496, 511; inauguration, 493-495; disorderly reception at the White House, 494; Kitchen Cabinet, 498, 650, 660, 694; changes made in diplomatic appointments, 504; reception for diplomatic corps, 507; private secretary, 513; vacation at Rip Raps, 517, 746; first message to Congress, 523, 528, 549; means to pay national debt, 524, 526, 527, 562;
Jackson, Andrew— Continued Minor Incidents— Continued
cool toward internal improvements, 524, 524, 525; Maysville Road veto, 525-527; "Tecumseh" Johnson objects, 526; appeal to the people, 527; ill health, 527-528; leaves a political will, 528; 542; observers in Congress, 529; anti-Calhoun feeling, 540-543; feels Presidency is only "dignified slavery," 543; visits Indians, 548-551; dissatisfied with Green's Telegraph, 567-568; visits Tennessee, 567; meets Frank Blair, 567-569; starts the Washington Globe, 569; moves for reconciliation with Calhoun, 569; Calhoun "cuts his own throat," 570, 573; Van Buren offers to resign, 574-575; makes Van Buren Minister to Great Britain, 576; sojourn at Rip Raps, 577; reconstructs Cabinet, 578-579; visits Charles Carroll of Carrollton, 583; recalls reading the Declaration when 9 years old, 583; has old Benton bullet removed, 590-591; health improves, 590, 596; consents to run for re-election, 592; plans to elevate Van Buren by resigning, 593; his choice for the succession in 1836, 594; Senate rejects Van Buren for Minister to Great Britain, 595; unites his adherents into strong party machine, 605; re-elected President, 608; pipe collection, 610; end of first term, 624; simple inaugural, 624; milk from Blair's diary, 626; changes in Cabinet, 636; attempted attack on, 636; first ride on railroad, 637; reception in Philadelphia, 637; New York welcome, 637-638; triumphal procession through Connecticut and Rhode Island, 638-639; honored in Boston, 640-642; confined to bed, 641, 645, 645; Harvard confers honorary degree, 643; tour ends at Concord, N. H., 645; declines a proposal of
Jackson, Andrew— Continued Minor Incidents— Continued
marriage, 646; vacation at Rip Raps, 646-647, 648; threatened with assassination, 662; typical dinner party described, 668-669, 688-689; Senate censures, 674; Senate rejects Taney's nomination, 675; attempted assassination, 685-686; pays last of national debt, 690; inflation appears, 690, 706, 730; land speculation rife, 691, 706; national slavery trouble, 692-693; further Cabinet changes, 693-694; revolt in party, 694, 707; insists on succession of Van Buren, 694-695, 707; distributes surplus to states, 706, 730; Specie Circular, 707, 718, 729, 730; opinion of Marshall, 707; opinion of Jeffer-son, 707-708; appoints Taney to Supreme Court, 708; prepares last message for Congress, 712, 713; seriously ill, 712; Van Buren elected as successor, 713; Senate expunges resolution of censure, 714; last reception, 717; pockets rescinding bill, 718; crowds bid farewell, 719-720; appraisals of, 720-722; his two regrets, 724; journeys homeward, 724. Political Influence after Retirement—
Urges keeping Specie Circular in force, 729; suggests examination of deposit banks, 729; plans for independent treasury, 731-732, 735; encourages Van Buren, 731; Van Buren's visit to Hermitage is called off, 734; tour helps Democratic prospects, 737-738; would prefer Clay to Harrison as opponent, 738; suggests Polk for Vice President, 738; condemns Whig campaign methods, 741-742; takes stump for Van Buren, 742; favors Tyler, 745-747; indignant at Polk's defeat for Governor, 751; strives for Texas annexation, 754, 761, 763-767, 769-772, 774-777, 780-782; surprised at
Jackson, Andrew— Continued
Political Influence after Retirement— Continued
Van Buren-Clay agreement, 768; backs Polk's candidacy, 769-772, 774-775; gets Tyler to withdraw, 774; writes to Polk, 783-784. Jackson, Andrew, junior, adopted son of General Jackson, 131, 134, 147, 149, 171, 174, 182, 194, 257, 265, 266, 288, 330; schooling, 343, 392; 379; debts, 450, 666-668, 677, 687, 689, 709-710, 728, 732-738, 740-744, 748-749, 757, 760, 777-778, 783; Jackson's letters to, 544, 591, 609, 637, 667, 677-679, 687, 689-690, 708, 737-738, 742; love affairs of, 545-547, 577; in Washington, 545-547. 577. 62 4. 62 5. 7*75 in care of the Hermitage, 592, 596, 608, 627, 628, 654, 664-668, 676-679, 687, 708-711, 743-744, 891-892; manager of woodyard, 747, 777-778; 748, 761, 784, 785; inheritance, 758-759.
Jackson, Andrew, senior, father of Jackson, arrives in Pennsylvania in 1765, 3; family of, 4; journey to Waxhaws, 5; homesteader, 6; death and funeral, 9; 791, 796.
Jackson, Andrew III; grandson of General Jackson, 667, 678, 727, 744, 758.
Jackson, Elizabeth Hutchinson, mother of Jackson, 4; sisters and kinfolk in Waxhaws, 5; 9; widowed, 9; birth of Jackson, 10; 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 23, 28; death, 29; 37, 798, 799.
Jackson, Hugh, brother of Jackson, 4, 9, 10, 18.
Jackson, Hugh, grandfather of Jackson, 31.
Jackson, Hugh, uncle of Jackson, 4.
Jackson, Rachel Donelson (Robards), 48, 50, 51; marries Lewis Robards in 1785, 52; husband's jealousy, 53; 59; final quarrel with husband, 61; returns with Jackson to Tennessee, 63; refuses Robards's plea for rec-
Jackson, Rachel Donelson— Continued onciliation, 63; flees from husband with Jackson to Natchez, 64; Robards sues for divorce, 65, 803, 804; marries Andrew Jackson, August, 1791, 67, 804; learns marriage to Jackson is irregular, 71; remarried to Jackson, 73, 74, 806; 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83; her lonely life, 85, 86; 92, 97, 99, 100, 106, 107, no, 115, 116, 118, 124, 130, 131, 135; aged forty-three, description of, 136; 143,
. M7. i4 8 , M9. *5 2 . 169, i74. i75. 176, 178, 179, 182, 194, 199, 209, 228, 257, 258, 259, 260, 265, 266, 269, 273, 274, 285; Jackson's letter telling of capture of St. Marks and arrest of Arbuthnot, 288; opposes Jackson's becoming governor of Florida, 311; 312; letter describing Florida, 314; 316, 317, 319, 320; • back to Hermitage and happy, 327; wife of General Jackson, 336, 340, 344, 488, 547, 597, 607, 609, 627, 678, 679, 687, 773; "a fugitive from fame," 338, 342, 360, 372, 378, 391, 395, 448, 472, 474, 475, 476; correspondence, 337, 371-373. 379. 3 82 > 384, 391, 392, 395, 397, 432, 473-474, 476-477; relatives of, 344, 351, 450, 475, 481, 483; 495, 506, 522, 527, 743; health, 382, 391.447. 457. 474-479; slander concerning, 407, 432-433, 463-468, 473, 474, 477, 478, 482-483, 493, 513, 571, 733; new light on her first marriage, 834, 854-856; travel, 409, 470; religion, 418,
432, 473. 475. 733; li£e in Washington, 431, 432; descriptions, 432, 448, 474, 477, 481; Bible, 476, 591-592, 624, 719; death and funeral, 479-482, 785; grave, 480, 483, 543, 607, 701, 757, 774, 780; see also Andrew Jackson and His Wife.
Jackson, Rachel II, granddaughter of General Jackson, 609, 625, 637, 655, 665, 667, 687, 744, 785.
Jackson, Robert, brother of Jackson, 4, 9, 10, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 28.
Jackson, Sam, uncle of Jackson, 4.
Jackson, Sarah Yorke, wife of Andrew Jackson, junior, Jackson's regard tor, 591-592, 596, 627, 678, 689, 70S. 748, 74c), 758, 761, 782-784; Jackson's letters to, 596, 606-608, 654-655; pregnancy, 606-608; children of, 609, 625, 667, 727, 748, 749, 758, 759; see also Andrew Jackson III and Rachel Jackson II; in Washington, 624, 625, 687-689; illness of, 677-678; gift ring, 703; 778.
Jackson, Miss., 699.
"Jackson money," 653.
Jackson, Tenn., 742.
"Jackson's Well," 68.
Jacksonian Epoch, 723.
Jacksonians, 363, 394, 396, 417, 420,
43°> 431, 436, 4 8 7> 5 00 > 6 44' 655, 680, 770, 779; see also Democrats.
Jamaica, B. W. I., 179, 180, 181, 194, 195, 219, 314.
James, Captain, "surest scout of Marion," 33.
Jarret, Nancy, 35, 37, 41, 79.
Jay, John, 76.
Jefferson, Thomas, 77, 81; elected President, 95; 97, 116, 117, 118, 123; orders arrest of Aaron Burr, 123; 129; denounced by Jackson at Burr trial, 130; 132; reconciliation with Jackson, 272; 274, 301, 307, 310, 339, 365, 421, 422, 429, 437, 440,
453. 5 00 > 5 22 > 53 8 > 62 4> 7°77° 8 ;
ideals of, 367, 392, 527, 538, 557,
707. Jennings, Johnathan, 50. Jennings, Reverend Obadiah, 475. Jesse, colored jockey, 670. Jesuits, 58, 326. Jim, slave, 544.
John Randolph, steamboat, 709. Johnson, a South Carolina Tory, 25. Johnson, Andrew, 782. Johnson, Cave, 770-771. Johnson, Francis, 416, 423. Johnson, Lieutenant Littleton, 151. Johnson, Richard M., 142.
Johnson, Col. Richard M. ("Tecum-
seh"), 420, 442, 526, 569, 570, 707,
714, 738, 740, 753. Johnson, Colonel William R., 267. Johnson's landing, Nashville, 98. Johnsonville, North Carolina, 37. Jones, Anson, 776, 780, 781. Jones, Chamberlayne, 348. Jones, James Chamberlain ("Slim
Jimmy"), 750, 770. Jones, Lieutenant Thomas Ap.
Catesby, 208, 209, 210, 218, 219. Jonesborough fire, 780. Jonesborough, Tennessee, 39, 40, 41,
45, 68, 85, 87, 306. Jones's Bend, Tennessee, 68. Jouitt, John, 65. Judges, 430.
see Courts. Jugeat, Pierre, 223. Junto, the Nashville, Jackson's earliest
presidential supporters, 345-346,
35o, 352-353, 354, 359, 361, 363, 381, 834.
Keane, Major General, 199; at attack on New Orleans, 218, 219, 220, 221. 222, 223, 225, 226, 243, 246; Jackson returns sword to, 249.
Kemble, Fanny, 614.
Kendall, Amos, editor of Argus of Western America, 444, 461, 497, 567; Fourth Auditor of Treasury, 500, 521; "Kitchen Cabinet," 502, 694; Eaton affair, 515; Postmaster General, 522, 694, 739; Bank controversy, 559-563, 639, 643, 646-651, ^53, 659; adviser and friend of Jackson, 567, 568, 579-580, 584, 600-601, 632, 634, 638, 732, 736, 745; biography of Jackson, 755-759-
Kennedy, John Pendleton, 375-376.
Kent, Justice, 521.
Kentuckians, 411, 424, 425, 447, 450, 521, 526, 567, 587, 588, 589, 592, 605, 621, 631, 655, 658, 674, 675, 694, 695, 707, 752, 775.
Kentucky, 49, 51, 52, 56, 60, 63, 64, 65, 71, 75, 102, 103, 115, 116, 117, 121, 123, 142, 194, 195, 199, 240, 242, 246, 248, 259, 261, 266, 267, 270, 278, 279, 298, 329; Legislature of, 340, 358, 415, 427, 448, 462; Supreme Court of 340; 350, 368, 417, 418, 419, 420, 423, 426, 428,
433, 434> 443, 444, 454, 457. 4 62 > 463, 465, 498, 500, 516, 525, 526, 544, 560, 562, 567, 617, 620, 659, 691, 695, 753, 855, 856; political sentiments in, 384, 390, 406, 409, 410, 414, 417, 425, 436, 451, 455, 457, 47 2 > 557,. 569, 5 8 4, 5^6, 588; see also Bargain.
Kentucky Reporter, 280.
Kentucky Road, 48, 116, 305.
Kerr, Doctor, 205.
Key, Francis Scott, 493.
Kidd, Captain William, 193.
Kinderhook, 749-750, 767.
King, James G., 672-673.
King's Mountain, South Carolina, 24, 40, 87.
King, Senator, 609.
Kingsley, Captain Alpha, 340.
Kingston, Tennessee, 94.
Kirkman, Mrs. Ellen, 399.
Kirkman, Mary, 398.
Kirkman, Thomas, 398-399.
Kirkpatrick, Major, 58.
"Kitchen Cabinet," 498, 502, 567, 650, 660, 694.
Knower, Mr., of New York, 658.
Knoxville Gazette, 91, 93, 94.
Knoxville Register, 354.
Knoxville, Tennessee, 70, 75, 77, 82, 90, 91, 94, 305, 337, 352.
Kremer, George, 421, 422, 428, 434-435, 446, 447, 459, 461, 494.
Krudener, Baron, 534.
La Branche, Alice, 719.
Lacock, Abner, 301, 307.
Lacoste, Captain, 242.
La Courriere de la Louisiane, 259,
260. Lady Nashville, race horse, 670.
Lafayette, George Washington, 449, 758.
Lafayette, Marquis de, 404, 453, 640; American tour, 414, 415, 417, 426, 428; visits House of Representatives, 418, 435, 449; Mrs. Jackson's description of, 432; son-in-law of, 437, 449; and Francis Wright, 449-450; pistols, 449, 758; visits Jackson, 449.
Laffite, Jean, sought as ally by British, 185; 188; offers services to Governor Claiborne of Louisiana, 191; 202, 206, 210, 212; services accepted by Jackson, 213; at defense of New Orleans, 219, 229; 263, 280, 282.
Laffite, Marc, 186.
Laffite, Pierre, 186, 187, 192, 224.
Lamar, Marabeau Buonaparte, 762.
Lambert, General, 243, 246, 247, 248, 260.
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 3.
Lancaster, Pa., 668.
Land, Captain, of South Carolina, 24.
Land Companies, 89, 277.
Land Office, 712.
Lands, 358, 399, 523, 552, 586, 587, 603, 648; speculation in, 690-691, 699, 703, 706-707, 712; 728-730, 755; in the Waxhaws, 5; "tomahawk rights," and early colonial forms of land acquisition, 6; of Jackson in Waxhaws, 10; exchange of, between North and South Carolina in boundary dispute, 11; of James Crawford in Waxhaws, 14; 48; of Jackson near Nashville, 68;
7°, 74, 75, 77, 8l , 8 9> 9°, 9 6 > 995 Hermitage, 99, 807, 808; 106, 133, 134, 157, 269, 276; Cypress Land Company, 277; 286; founding of Memphis, 306; 307; 804, 805; of Lewis Robards sold, 806.
Larne, Ireland, 3.
Lasley, General, 757.
Lathan, Mrs. Sarah, cousin of Jackson,
794-Latin-American affairs, 360, 454, 506; see also Mexico.
Latour, Major A. Lacarriere, 213, 216, 217, 229, 243.
Laval, Captain, 189, 197.
Lavasseur, 449; see Lafayette, son-in-law of.
Lawrence, Captain, 251.
Lawrence, Major, at Fort Bowyer, 182, 183, 188, 189, 190.
Lawrence, Richard, 686.
Laws, replevin, 340.
Lawson, Surgeon General Thomas, 724.
Lea, John M., 834.
Lebanon Pike, 338, 374.
Lebanon Road, 99, 121.
Lebanon, Tennessee, 99.
Lee, Henry, 452, 469, 475, 489, 498,
5 2 °;
Lee, "Light Horse Harry," 452.
Leopard, man-of-war, 130.
Lessley, John, uncle of Jackson by marriage, 6, 790.
Lessley, Mary Hutchinson, aunt of Jackson, 6.
Lessley, Sarah Hutchinson, aunt of Jackson, 6, 794, 795.
Lessley, Samuel, uncle of Jackson by marriage, 6, 790.
Letcher, Robert P., 423, 425, 430, 445, 617.
Lewellen, Abednego, 58.
Lewis and Clark Expedition, 554.
Lewis, Mary Ann, 547, 548, 552, 626; see also Mary Lewis Pageot.
Lewis, Seth, 328.
Lewis, Major William B., 146, 302, 804; promotes Jackson for President, 345-347, 363, 374-375, 377-378, 390, 412, 461, 472; Jackson correspondence, 391, 412, 432, 550, 552, 567, 677, 736, 765, 778; adviser of Jackson, 461, 498, 504, 526, 528, 538, 548, 575; 579, 628, 689; and Rachel Jackson slanders, 463, 465, 474; anti-Calhoun efforts, 470, 471, 542, 569, 573; in Jackson's household, 489, 495, 568; Eaton affair, 513, 514, 516, 518, 571, 577; Bank,
524, 556, 560-562, 564, 566, 649, 652-653; observer for Jackson, 529, 656; connected with French Legation, 626, 681, 686, 695, 698; and Jackson's debts, 736, 747; Jackson's last message to, 785.
Lewis, Major William Terrell, n 1.
Lewis, Mrs. William B., 346.
Lexington, Ky., 266, 305, 329, 366, 410, 418, 463, 525, 630, 690, 753.
Lexington, Massachusetts, 15.
Lexington, North Carolina, 143.
Liberator, the, 774.
Liberia, 692.
Lile, David, 76, 86.
Lincoln, Abraham, 612.
Lincoln, General Benjamin, 19.
Lincoyer, Indian ward of Jackson, 159, 266, 288, 329, 344, 408, 450, 469.
Lindenwald, Van Buren's home, 749-750, 752, 770.
Littleton, slave, 710.
Liverpool, England, 667, 683, 760.
Livingston, Cora, 257, 546, 626.
Livingston, Edward, 186, 191, 193, 198, 202, 203; host at New Orleans to Jackson, 204; 206, 210, 212, 214, 217, 229, 240, 248, 255, 256, 262, 281, 416, 455, 489, 506; offered ministry to France, 496; relinquishes appointment, 504; in Senate, 520; Secretary of State, 578, 584, 585, 588, 590, 598, 600, 611-612; Minister to France, 636, 686, 695, 697.
Livingston, Mrs. Edward, 204, 212,
2 57> 495> 496-Livingston, Peter, 589. Lockyer, Captain Charles, 185, 187,
188, 191, 219. London, England, 431, 437, 504, 554,
579, 585, 601, 630, 751. Lottery, 657. Louaillier, Louis, 212; arrest of, 260;
court martial and release, 261, 262;
289. Louis Phillippe, 681, 682, 695, 697-
698, 782.
Louisiana, 41, 49, 51, 55, 57; purchase of, 96; 97, 100, 102, 121, 122, 124, 131, 137, 157, 158, 175, 180, 183, 184, 187; British prepare for attack on, 191; 193, 194, 199; defense of New Orleans, 200, 202, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 212, 214, 219, 228, 230, 231, 236, 240, 241, 247; 250, 254, 256, 259, 261, 263, 267, 280, 281, 322.
Louisiana Gazette, 186, 192, 256.
Louisiana Legislature, 205, 210, 212, 213, 230; closed by Jackson, 235; 236, 238, 254.
Louisiana, man-of-war, 210, 228, 231,
Louisiana, political sentiments of, 358, 361, 384, 390, 414, 416, 424, 425, 436, 616; 428, 455, 578, 659, 675, 719; Legislature, 409; army, 458; Jackson visits, 470, 737; campaigns, 609, 779.
Louisiana Purchase, 553.
Louisianians, 443.
Louisville, Kentucky, 102, 405, 409, 447, 587, 630, 690.
L'Ouverture, Toussaint, 203.
Love, Colonel, of Nashville, 544.
Lucy, race-horse, 33.
Lynch, Colonel, 268.
Lynch, David, 362.
Lynchburgh, Virginia, 272.
Lynn, 644.
Macarte, Augustin, 227; house Jackson's headquarters below New Orleans, 231, 232, 238.
Macay, Spruce, 34, 36.
MacGregor, Gregor, 281.
Macon, Nathaniel, 426, 441.
Madison County, Ky., 659.
Madison, Dolly, 273, 384.
Madison, James, 81; elected President in 1808, 132; 179, 195; Jackson administers nerve tonic to, 196; 215; bleak outlook of Administration, 250; Jackson's victory at New Orleans restores political fortunes of, 252; 272, 276, 278, 305, 308, 365, 423-
Madrid, 713.
"Magician," the.
see Martin Van Buren.
Magness, David, 134.
Maham, Colonel, 33.
Maine, 388, 390, 521, 523, 616, 641, 658, 691.
Mandeville, Bernard de Marigny de, 470.
Mangum, Willie P., 417.
Manrique, Don Matteo Gonzalez, 179, 183, 190, 197, 198.
Mansker, Casper, 51, 60.
Mansker's Station, Tennessee, 64.
Manthis, slave, 892.
Marblehead, Mass., 644.
Marchand, Captain, 155.
Marchand, Sehoy, 155.
Marcy, William L., 503, 658.
Maria, race-horse, 132, 145, 209, 267, 268, 269, 336.
Marietta, Ohio, 124.
Marigny de Mandeville, Bernard de, 202; Jackson declines hospitality of, 205; 208, 210, 212, 230, 235, 236, 254.
Marion, General, 33.
Markley, Representative, 426.
Marriages, Margaret O'Neale and John B. Timberlake, 385; Mary Kirkman and Richard Call, 398; Henry R. Wise, 474-475; Margaret Timberlake and John H. Eaton, 491, 509, 518; Margaret Branch and Daniel Donelson, 571; Andrew Jackson, junior, and Sarah Yorke, 591, 627; Mary Eastin and Lucius J. Polk, 596, 627; Mary Lewis and Alphonse Pageot, 626, 681; Mary Coffee and Andrew Jackson Hutch-ings, 627, 676; Robert Armstrong and Josiah Nichol's daughter, 679; Eliza Allen and Sam Houston, 701-702; of Hugh Jackson, 4; of Hutchinson sisters, 4, 5; Dr. William Richardson and Nancy Craighead, 8; George Dunlap and Nancy Richardson, 13; of Crawford heirs, 14; Dr. Samuel Dunlap and Mary
Marriages— Continued
Crawford, 800; John Donelson, senior, and Rachel Stocklcy, 49; John Donelson, junior, 50; Lewis Ro-bards and Rachel Donelson, 52; An-drcw Jackson and Rachel Donelson Rohards, 67, 73, 804; Samuel Donelson and Polly Smith, 811; Robert Butler and Rachel Hays, 135; of Sehoy Marchand, 155; Captain Armstrong and Miss Nicholls, 174; Ralph E. W. Earle and Jane Caf-fery, 304.
Marshall, Chief Justice John, 494, 603, 614, 621, 707, 720.
Marshall, John, 107, 124, 129.
Martin, Elizabeth, 668.
Martin, Governor, of North Carolina, 38.
Martin, Dr. John Donelson, 892.
Martin's History of Louisiana, 754.
Martineau, Harriet, 579-580, 685.
Martinsville, North Carolina, 37.
Maryland, 113, 326, 371, 375, 384, 388, 390, 410, 417, 431, 436, 488, 583, 588, 653, 665, 724.
Marylanders, 579, 694.
Masons, the, 156, 516, 605.
Massachusetts, 39; opposes war of 1812, 181; 199, 251; ignores Jackson in public thanks for New Orleans victory, 252; 358, 383, 414,
4 J 7» 45 6 > 53°, 53i» 534. 6o2 > 6o 3> 621, 639, 644, 657, 684, 707; Legislature, 639.
Massacres, Indian, 58, 63, 69, 154.
Massey, Benjamin, 794.
Massey, Mary, 34.
"Matchless Sanative," Jackson's cough medicine, 733, 743, 744.
Maxey, Colonel Virgil, 375.
Mayfield's Station, Tennessee, 63.
Maysville, Ky., 525.
McColloch family of North Carolina, 23.
McCrady's Tavern, Charleston, 33.
McCulloh, Henry Eustace, 7.
McDonough, Commodore John, 181.
McDougall, Captain, aide-de-camp of Pakenham, 245.
McDuffie, George, 375, 388, 454, 455.
McGary, Betty Crawford, cousin of Jackson, 25.
McGary, Hugh, 72, 73, 463-464, 855.
McGary, Martin, 25, 31, 47, 72.
McGillivray, Alexander, 155, 156,321.
McGillivray, Lachlan, 155., Colonel John, 69.
McKeever, Lieutenant Isaac, U. S. Navy, 287.
McKemey, George, uncle of Jackson by marriage, 4, 5, 9; house said to be Jackson's birthplace, 10, 795; house in North and South Carolina boundary dispute, 11, 792, 793, 797.
McKemey, Margaret Hutchinson, aunt of Jackson, 4, 5.
McKinley, John, 303.
McLane, Louis, opposes Adams in balloting, 436-437; criticizes Jackson's appointments, 392; friend of Van Buren, 496; Minister to France, 504; becomes Secretary of the Treasury, 579; favors recharter-ing of Bank of United States, 583-590; is offended by Biddle petition, 598; urges mild veto of recharter bill, 600; opposes Taney on Bank question, 630; recommendation to Jackson, 634-635; becomes secretary of State, 636; influence on Jackson, 638-639; reference to views in Jackson's letter to Duane, 643; supports Duane against Jackson, 645; recommends postponement of government deposits' transfer, 648-649; threatens to resign, 649; warning recalled by Biddle, 650; remains loyal to Jackson, 653.
McLane, Rebecca, 546.
McLaughlin, James A., 755-756, 759.
McLean, John, 491, 498, 521.
McLemore, John C, 506.
McLemore, Mary, 577, 624, 627.
McMinn, Governor, of Tennessee,
303-McNairy, John, 36, 37; elected judge of Superior Court, 38; 39, 41, 45, 54, 83-
McNairy, Nathaniel A., 109, no, in,
116. McQueen, Peter, Creek chief, 286. McRae, Lieutenant Colonel, at New
Orleans, 198. McRory, 63.
McWhorter, George, 17. McWilliams, Captain, British Colonial
Marines, 185. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina,
7-Meeker, Cochran & Company, of
Philadelphia, 75, 76. Melton, John, 834. Melton's Bluff Plantation, 335, 348,
349, 408, 469, 834. Memphis, Tennessee, founding of,
306; 449, 616, 737. Mercer County, Kentucky, 51, 52, 61,
4 6 3-Mero District, 39, 40, 41, 45, 54, 55,
56, 57, 62, 113, 258, 628. Metcalfe, Representative, 443. Methodists, 544. Mexico, 102, 121, 123, 124, 356-357,
358, 359» 396, 609, 700-706, 715,
751, 763, 764, 780, 781. Mexico City, 356, 700, 703. Mexico Libre, a stolen ship, 282. Michigan, 578, 693, 770. Milfort, General Leclerc, 156. Milledgeville, Ga., 366. Miller, Pleasant M., 352. Miller, Robert, 8. Miller's Tavern, Kentucky, 117. Miller, William D., 761, 764, 765, 767. Mills, killed by Indians in Tennessee,
Mills, Mrs. E. H., 383.
Mills, Elijah Hunt, 383.
Mills, Robert, 793.
Mims, Samuel, 157.
Miranda, General, 112.
Miro, Don Esteban, Spanish Governor of Louisiana, 55; fosters Spanish alliance with Cumberland settlers, 56, 62; 83, 96, 156, 202.
Mississippi, 137, 211, 220, 222, 261,
299» 336, 359> 361, 384. 548, 55°> 552, 609, 616, 621, 691, 699, 728,
Mississippi— Continued
733> 736, 74°> 756, 763, 778, 783; Legislature, 699.
Mississippi River, 455, 464, 470, 550, 604, 652, 711, 733, 747, 773, 856.
Mississippi Territory, 154, 158, 175.
Missouri, 358, 370, 390, 400, 409, 411, 414, 415, 420, 425, 428, 436, 443, 457> 539, 566, 652, 677, 773.
Missouri Compromise, 329, 366, 841.
Missourians, 591, 595, 604, 663, 714.
Mitchell, Major, British Army, 225.
Mitchell, Mark, 76.
Mobile, Alabama, 102, 148, 158, 166, 178; Jackson defends, 182, 188; 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 205, 211, 254, 267.
Mombrino, race horse, 710.
Money. see Currency and Banks.
Monkey Simon, a jockey, 268.
Monroe, James, 132; 337, 338, 356-358, 360, 374, 391, 396, 440, 458, 470, 492, 502, 541-542, 554; Secretary of State, 143; Secretary of War, September, 1814, 195; supports Jackson's expedition against Florida, 196; 197, 198, 199, 208; difficulty in financing War of 1812, 216; 227, 239, 248, 270; Aaron Burr's opinion of, 271; 273, 274; elected President 1816, 276; 278, 280, 282; Jackson's plan for seizure of Florida sent to, 283; "approval" of seizure, 285; 286; ready to disavow Jackson's acts in Florida, 292; suggests Jackson "correct" his Florida dispatches, 294; rebuffed, 295; 298, 301; welcomed to Tennessee by Jackson, 304, 305; 307; his insincerity toward Jackson, 310,
3i5> 3 2 7> 33i; 3™, 3 J 3> 3i9> 3 2I > 326, 327; version of Rhea letter controversy, 827, 828.
Monroe, Mrs. James, 386, 509.
Montgomery, John R., 668-669.
Montgomery, Letitia, 668.
Monticello, home of Jefferson, 365, 421, 538.
Montpelier, Alabama, 312, 313.
Moore, Gabriel, 595.
Moore, Thomas, P., 418, 419, 427-428,
Moore, Colonel William, 37.
Morales, Don Juan Ventura, 202.
Morgan, Brigadier-General David, 240, 243; Jackson's anger over defeat at New Orleans, 247.
Morgan, J. J., 439.
Morgan, William, 605.
Morganton, North Carolina, 40, 41,
Morrell, Jack, 126, 127.
Moulton, Mrs., Washington dressmaker, 407.
Mount Vernon, Washington's home, 746.
Mountz, Lieutenant, at Pensacola, 323.
Murfreesborough, Tenn., 176, 351, 35 2 '355> 359. 3 6l > 377"37 8 , 45 1 -
Naples, Bay of, 683.
Naples, Kingdom of, 683.
Napoleon, 681.
Napoleonic wars, 523.
Nashville, 45; description of, in 1788 when Jackson arrived, 47; 54, 55, 56, 58, 63, 66, 68, 70, 74, 75, 89; described in 1804, 98; 103, 106, 107, 109, no, 113, 115, 116, 119, 124, 125, 136, 143, 146, 148; Benton brothers fight with Jackson in, 152, 153; after Creek campaign, Jackson's reception, at, 174; 180, 215, 258; description of, in 1815, 265; 266, 269, 274, 283, 296, 303, 304, 305, 310, 311, 329; improvements in 1821, 329.
Nashville Bank, 135, 269, 277, 305,
335. 3 8 °-Nashville Banner & Whig, 558. Nashville Clarion, 351. Nashville Female Academy, 330. Nashville Gazette, 209, 345. Nashville Inn, 98, 152, 329, 335, 340,
477-Nashville Jockey Club, 132, 145, 266. Nashville junto.
see Junto. Nashville Republican, 452, 480.
Nashville, Tenn., 336, 342-344, 347,
354, 359. 361, 3 6 2, 373. 3 8 7> 39'> 396, 398, 448, 449, 456, 463, 465, 470, 474, 477, 478, 480, 485, 504, 544, 551, 556, 557, 558, 597, 630, 679, 709, 724, 728, 729, 733, 734, 736, 740, 741, 756, 760, 767, 768, 7 6 9. 77 l > 7 82 > 8 54> 8 55; Cedar Street, 399; Court House Square, 340, 399, 478; Tippecanoe Club of, 741.
Nashville Union, 741; 769-771, 772.
Nashville Whig, 337, 340, 351.
Nassau, Bahamas, 287, 289.
Natchez, Mississippi, 59, 60, 64, 66; Jackson escorts Rachel to, 66; 71, 73, 97, 143; encamps at, in 1813, 147, 148, 149; 150, 151, 163, 267, 329, 462, 463, 465, 597, 630, 855.
Natchez Trace, 64, 146.
Natchitoches, Louisiana, 124, 137.
National City race course, Washington, 597.
National Gazette, 399, 400.
National Intelligencer, 315, 327, 357,
402, 499, 729, 767-768.
National Jockey Club, Washington,
669. National Journal, Washington, 367,
403, 460, 465, 467-469, 497, 534, 604.
National Republican Party, 605.
National Republicans, 589, 608, 680.
National Road, 447.
see National Republicans.
Ned, slave, 544, 709.
Neely, Alexander, 63.
Negroes, 340, 440, 447, 454, 476, 544, 554, 592, 596, 606, 628, 665, 691-693, 695, 708-710, 717-718, 728, 734-
735. 737. 743. 74 8 . 75^, 75 8 . 7 8 4-785, 855; see also Slaves and Slavery.
Negro Fort, Florida, 275; blown up by General Gaines, 276, 291. See Fort Gadsden.
Nelson, Lord, 405.
Nesbit, Captain, Revolutionary soldier, 25.
Newburn, Va., 379.
"New Deal," 671.
New England, 142, 168, 181; for ending War of 1812 on any terms, 195; 199, 216; opposition to war, 250; 251, 252, 255; friendly to Jackson in 1816, 269, 366, 367, 371, 375, 390, 392, 393, 403, 406, 410, 414, 415, 419, 427, 430, 431, 436, 445, 448, 468, 472, 520, 523, 529, 530, 537, 53 8 > 553> 57 8 > 6o 3> 6 39, 640-641, 646, 751.
New Englanders, 529, 537.
New Hampshire, 38, 418, 429, 455, 520, 561, 579, 645, 653, 659, 779.
New Hampshire Patriot, 453, 606.
New Haven, Connecticut, 251, 380.
New Haven Register, 775.
New Jersey, 371, 375, 390, 410, 415, 693; College of, 338, 553.
Newman, Captain, 211.
New Orleans, 41, 55, 56; seat of Spanish Governor Miro conspiring to separate Cumberland country from Union, 57; 69; United States takes possession of in 1804, 96; 98, 101, 102, 104, 109, 112, 119, 121, 124, 144, 145, 148, 155, 181; British prepare to cut off, 184; 186, 187, 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199; Jackson arrives and prepares to defend, 200; battle of December 23, 1814, 223; second battle, 234; battle and victory of January 8, 241; 249, 250, 251, 252; hails Jackson, 252; 253, 254, 255; Rachel arrives in, 257; 260; Jackson's trial before Judge Hall, 262; 265, 266, 269, 270, 273, 275, 279, 281, 285, 286, 300, 303, 309; described as "great Babylon" by Rachel Jackson, 311; 319, 326, 328, 335, 336, 341, 374, 380,
3 8 4> 393> 39 8 > 399> 45°> 457> 45 8 >
460, 470, 554, 577, 630, 659, 665,
666, 679, 687, 692, 718, 728, 733,
736, 740, 747, 754, 757, 758, 760,
763. 7 8 3-New Orleans, Battle of, 357, 392, 405, 470, 510, 529, 537, 550, 623, 639, 6 99> 73 6 > 74 8 > 750-
New Port, Tennessee, 85.
Newspapers, 336-337, 367, 377, 389, 399, 400, 403, 405, 409, 415, 443, 448, 462, 465, 501, 529, 536, 540, 563-564, 581, 652, 747; Alexandria Herald, 411; Albany Argus, 453; Argus of Western America, 444, 461, 497, 567; Baltimore American, 739; Cincinnati Friend of Reform or Corruption's Adversary, 473; Cincinnati Gazette, 463, 464, 469, 658; El Sol, 700; Fayetteville Observer, 458-459; Harrisburg Commonwealth, 364; Jeffersonian Aurora, 636; Knoxville Register, 354; Nashville Banner & Whig, 558; Nashville Clarion, 351; Nashville Gazette, 345; Nashville Republican,
452, 480; Nashville Union, 741, ' 769-771, 772; Nashville Whig, 337, 340, 351; National Gazette, 399, 400; National Intelligencer, 357, 402, 499, 729, 767-768; National Journal, 367, 403, 460, 465, 467-469, 534, 604; New Hampshire Patriot,
453, 606; New Haven Register, 775; New York Courier and Enquirer, 498, 599, 624, 657; New York Evening Post, 354, 410, 606, 630; New York Statesman, 414; Niles's Register, 441, 671; of Mexico City, 700; Philadelphia Aurora, 336; Philadelphia Columbian Observer, 354, 433, 434, 447; Portland Courier, 641; Raleigh Register, 407; Richmond Enquirer, 453, 497, 658, 767; Salisbury Western Carolinian, 354; United States' Telegraph, 455, 456, 459, 460, 465, 467, 537, 567-569, 570, 576, 605, 632, 861; Vermont journal, 608; Washington Globe, 569-571, 575-576, 580, 660, 685, 695, 768; Washington Republican, 403.
New York, Van Buren's influence in, 365, 366, 383, 390, 402, 436, 437, 501, 616; Legislature of, 365, 390, 411; political sentiments in, 371,
New York— Continued
375' 376, 388, 402, 406, 410, 411, 415, 416, 437, 457, 605, 608, 657, 742, 775; 428, 429, 436, 439, 443, 470, 503, 520, 538, 560, 617, 631, 645, 661, 668, 671, 672, 673, 704, 754; Governor of, 618.
New York Advocate, 332.
New York City, 82, 112, 121, 143, 144, 193, 271, 278, 279; ovation and banquet for Jackson in 1819, 300; 367, 385, 504, 537, 542, 569, 582, 583, 613, 637, 641, 656, 671, 684, 691, 718, 729, 739, 749, 758; Port of, 522, 734; Broadway, 606, 760; Battery, 637; Castle Garden, 637; banks, 642, 647-652, 658, 778.
New York Columbian, 279.
New York Courier and Enquirer, 498, 599, 624, 657.
New Yorkers, 423, 439, 476, 492, 496, 505, 519, 528, 560, 570, 574, 575,
579. 5 8 9> 593' 6o 5' 6l 5' 6 94' 7 6 9' 772.
New York Evening Post; 354, 410, 606, 630.
New York Statesman, 414.
Nichol, Josiah, 450, 556, 565; daughter of, 679.
Nicholas, Wilson Carey, 129.
Nicholls, Lieutenant Colonel Edward, British Army, proclamation inviting Louisiana to become ally of Great Britain, 183; 187; invites Laf-fite to join British, 187; 190, 192, 194, 286, 296
Nichols, Josiah, 174
Niles, Hezekiah, 441, 671.
Niles's Register, 287, 441, 671.
Noah, Mordecai, 497.
Nolte, Vincent, 230.
Norfolk, Va., 515, 517, 607.
Norrington, Joseph, 58.
Norris, Lieutenant, United States Navy, at New Orleans, 241.
North Carolina, 5, 7; controversy with South Carolina over boundary, 10, n, 18; in Revolutionary War, 21,
North Carolina— Continued
23, 34, 38; difficulties with State of Franklin, 39; 45, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 79, 80, 90, 92, 143, 266, 346, 347,
354' 3 6 7> 37i' 374-37 6 ' 3 8 3' 3 8 4< 388, 390, 394, 400, 405, 407, 415-417, 420, 437' 458' 477' .576' 618, 631, 658, 659, 691, 755; birthplace of Jackson, 791, 792.
Nourse, Mr., defaulting Treasury official, 499, 500.
Nueces River, 699-700.
Nullification, threatened by South Carolina, 523-524; Webster-Hayne debate, 529-531; Jackson's uncertain attitude toward, 536-538; Jackson's toast at Jefferson dinner, 539-540; nullification of Indian treaties, general, 548, by Georgia, 549; Cherokees fight treaty nullification, 549-550; Jackson averts issue by visit to Indian council, 548-551; Blair opposes nullifiers, 567; proposed reconciliation between Jackson and Calhoun fails, 570-571; issue of Indian treaties reopened in Georgia, 580-581; South Carolinians seek support of Georgians, 581; Calhoun and nullification, 581-582; Clay unwilling to champion, 587; Jackson confident of victory against, 593; Worcester-Butler case and aftermath, 603-604; activities of Hayne, Calhoun, et al, 604; Jackson's threat, 604; crisis in South Carolina, 607-619; South Carolina passes ordinance of nullification, 610; Proclamation on Nullification, 611-612, 615-616; bill to lower tariff introduced in House, 616; Jackson asks Congress to authorize military force to collect customs, 618-619; South Carolina yields, 619; the "Force Bill" and Clay's tariff bill passed, 619-621; South Carolina rescinds ordinance of nullification, 621; Jackson predicts civil war, 622; Jackson's stand on nullification
Nullification— Continued
meets approval in Massachusetts, 639-640; Van Buren lukewarm opponent of 634, 694; see also Andrew Jackson, Presidential Administrations, Nullification in South Carolina.
Nullifiers, 581, 604, 607-608, 610, 616-619.
Ode to Bogle, 554.
Ohio, 124, 270, 277; Legislature, 358, 660; political sentiments of, 384, 388, 390, 398, 406, 408, 409-411, 414-415, 420, 425, 430, 454, 457, 472, 755, 841; women of, 477; 491, 502, 536, 688, 707, 723; Governor of, 618; delegation, 741.
Ohio River, 606, 737.
Ohio River Valley, 340.
Oklahoma, 549, 702.
"Old Hickory." see Andrew Jackson.
O'Neale boarding house, 379, 384-387, 391, 398, 509, 513.
O'Neale, Peggy.
see Mrs. Margaret Timberlake and Mrs. Margaret Eaton.
O'Neale, Major William, 379, 384-
3 8 7> 39 1 , 39 8 -
Oo-loo-te-ka, 702.
Oregon, 724, 751, 766, 772, 776, 784.
Orpheus, British man-of-war, 182.
Otis, Harrison Gray, 251, 252.
Otis, Mrs. Harrison Gray, 252.
Overton, Judge John, 52, 53, 60, 64, 65, 66; discovers Jackson's marriage is illegal, 71; signs Jackson's marriage bond, 73; 74; inaugurates written court decisions, 89; 113, 115,
IX 9> *33> !74> r 75> 303, 306, 805; and Rachel Jackson slanders, 344, 462, 463-464, 834, 854, 855; Jackson creditor, 378; political aide, 396, 397; 475; letter, 528, 542; adviser of Jackson, 542, 552; Bank director, 565; his nephew, 573; death of, 628.
Overton, General Thomas, Jackson's second in Dickinson duel, 114; 120, 180.
Pacific Coast, 776. Pacific Ocean, 716, 719, 776. Pacolet, race-horse, 209, 267. Pageot, Alphonse, 626, 681, 686, 695-
)t, Andrew Jackson, 681, 696-697, 698.
Pageot, Mary Lewis, 686-687, 698; see also Mary Lewis.
Pakenham, Major General Sir Edward, 225; takes command of British below New Orleans, 227; 228, 233, 234, 235; battle of December 28, 1814, 236, 237, 238, 240; plan of attack on January 8, 1815, and its failure, 243; death, 246, 249.
Palfrey, Dr., of Harvard, 644.
Palmetto State.
see South Carolina.
Panama Congress, 454, 455.
Panics, 650, 653-655, 656, 690, 730-731; see'also Depressions.
Paper money. see Currency.
Paris, France, 449, 504, 636, 695, 698,
735, 75i-
Parish, Captain, 182.
Parker, Daniel P., 641.
Parties, political.
see Anti-Masons, Democrats, National Republicans, Relief, Republicans, Union Party, Whigs.
Patchell, Edward, 363, 442.
Pathkiller, Chief, 159.
Patronage, Adams and, 431; Jackson and, 489-492, 494, 722; Van Buren trailed by seekers of, 496-497; Jackson faces many controversial and divergent problems arising from, 497-506; dispute ended by Duff Green, 519-520; Van Buren and, 519-520, 606; number of Jackson appointments and removals, 520-521, 861-862; disappointed seekers of, 520-521; reform policy tempered, 522; and the Bank, 555, 564;
Patronage— Continued
successful manipulation of, by Jackson, 587; General Harrison and, 745; Jackson sends many recommendations for, to Polk, 780; see also Andrew Jackson, Presidential Administrations, Spoils system.
Patterson, Commandant Daniel T., 510, 683; 187, 202, 210, 224; wrecks British artillery at December 28 attack on New Orleans, 234, 236; 241, 243, 247.
Patterson, Mrs. Daniel T., 510.
Patterson, Colonel Robert, 372-373.
Pawtucket, R. I., 639.
Payne, Mr., killed by an Indian, 50.
Peacock^, British man-of-war, 251.
Peale, Anna C, 592.
Peddie, Captain, British Army, 220.
Peire, Major, at Pensacola, 196.
Pennsylvania, arrival from Ireland of Jackson's parents in, 3; 5, 270; 459, 460.
Pennsylvania, political sentiment in, 358, 362, 364, 367, 370, 371, 375, 376, 384, 388, 390, 391, 403, 406, 408-409, 414, 415, 526, 541, 606, 742, 755; protectionists, 373; congressmen of, 421, 426, 428, 433, 491, 527, 539, 610, 624, 631, 652; 446, 475, 659, 668, 676, 770, 772; militiamen, 436, 437; Governor of, 618; banks, 671-674, 731; Legislature of, 672, 731.
Pennsylvania, University of, 553.
Pensacola, 339, 557, 718.
Pensacola, Florida, 148, 156, 158; Jackson's true goal, 175; 179; British occupy, 182; 190, 194, 196; Jackson drives British from, 197; 198, 202, 280, 283; occupied by Jackson, 291; 293, 295, 296, 298; House of Representatives approves seizure of, 300; 308, 309, 313, 315, 316, 317; Jackson enters, for transfer of Florida, 317; 320, 321, 322, 331;
339, 557, 7 l8 -Pensions, 393, 401.
Percy, Sir William H., 187, 188, 189.
Perry, Colonel, at New Orleans, 242.
Peru, 748.
"Pet banks." see Banks.
Peter, a slave of Jackson, 307.
Peterson, H. W., 363-364.
Petit, Mr., of New Orleans, 59.
Peyton, Balie, 106, 669.
Peyton, Ephraim, 50.
Phifer family of South Carolina, 7.
Philadelphia, 5, 58, 69; Jackson's first trip to, 74; 76, 77; Jackson in Congress at, 79; 80, 82, 83; Jackson in Senate at, 83; 88, 90, 96, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 133, 204, 251, 255, 294; reception to Jackson in 1819, 300; 371, 372, 399, 441, 462, 496, 506, 514, 516, 554-556, 577, 586, 589, 590, 591, 594, 596, 631, 634, 636, 637, 641, 642, 647, 648, 651, 654, 659, 661, 668, 678, 679, 689, 709, 712, 758, 778; Chestnut Street, 553, 561, 589, 657, 673, 680.
Philadelphia Aurora, 336.
Philadelphia Columbian Observer,
354, 433-435, 447-
Phillips, Lieutenant Billy, 143, 241, 243.
Phoenix, John Lewis, 289.
Physick, Dr. Philip Syng, 637.
Pickett, James C, 748.
Pierce's Stockade, Mississippi Territory, 196.
Pike, Miss, of Philadelphia, 372.
Pinckney family of South Carolina,
32. Pinckney, Major General, 158, 164,
176, 177. Pistol Gag Law, 466. Pittsburgh, Pa., 75, 125, 126, 151,
362, 363, 366, 442, 448, 606. Pittsylvania County, Virginia, 49. Planters' Bank, Nashville, 729. Plauche, Captain, at New Orleans,
203, 214, 216, 224, 225, 241. Plauche, Jean B., 747, 757, 761, 783,
891. Ploughboy, race-horse, 107, no; race
against Truxton, in, 268.
Plumer, William, junior, 418, 425, 429.
Plymouth, N. C, 659.
Pocahontas, steamboat, 470.
Poindexter, Representative, of Mississippi, 299.
Poindexter, Senator, 621.
Poinsett, Joel R., 360, 609, 613, 615, 616, 618-619, 700.
Polk family of North and South Carolina, 7.
Polk, James K., in Congress, 624, 630, 633, 660, 674; 694, 734; vice-presidential possibility, 738, 750, 751; and Jackson, 742, 767-768, 769, 776, 782, 783, 784; presidential candidate, 769-774; elected, 775; as President, 777, 779, 780.
Polk, Lucius J., 596, 624.
Polk, Mrs. James K., 687, 773, 784.
Polk, Mary Eastin. see Mary Eastin.
Polk, Thomas, 11.
Polk, William, 374-375, 376, 384, 396.
Polly, fugitive slave, 349.
Pontois, Edouard, French minister, 698.
Pools, Mr., 710.
Poplar Grove plantation, Jackson takes bride to, 6^, 69, 70, 75.
Popular sovereignty, 452.
Portland, Me., 366.
Portland Courier, 641.
Portsmouth, N. H., 659.
Portsmouth Branch, Bank of U. S., 561.
Portugal, 492.
'Possum up de Gum Tree, 741.
Potomac River, 405, 505, 508, 517, 622.
Presbyterian Church, 351, 399, 517,
see Newspapers. Prices, Money, Appraisals, etc., 10, 15,
30, 3 1 ' 32, 33, 34> 35, 4°>.47» 4 8 > 59, 68; Jackson's mercantile purchases in Philadelphia, 75; 76, 77, 80, 81, 96, 97, 98, 99, 104, 105, 107, 108, 121, 124; condition of firm of
Prices— Continued
Jackson & Hutchings, 131; 133, 146, 159, 163, 181, 196, 199, 216, 250, 266, 267, 277, 301, 305, 311; Hermitage furniture, 328; 329; Jackson's liquor bills, 802.
Princeton, New Jersey, 12, 49.
Princeton, N. J., College of New Jersey, at, 338, 553.
Prior, Norton, 133.
Propaganda, 657-659, 685.
Pryor, Captain Samuel, 107, 108, in.
Public domain. see Land.
Quai d'Orsay, 695.
Quarter House Tavern, Charleston,
32. Quebec, 98, 144, 145, 180, 181. Queen's Museum, Charlotte, Jackson
attends, 34. Quincy, Josiah, 642, 643-644. Quincy, Josiah, junior, 639-642, 644-
Rafignac, Monsieur, of Louisiana Legislature, 212.
Raleigh, N. C, 374, 376.
Raleigh Register, 407.
Randal, Lieutenant, 320.
Randolph, John, 129, 436, 439, 440, 454, 455, 611.
Randolph, Robert B., 636-637.
"Raven, The." see Sam Houston.
Ravenel, Mr., of Charleston, 33.
Rawdon, Lord, 28, 756.
Rawlings, Mr., innkeeper of Jones-. borough, Tennessee, 85.
Read, Captain, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 125.
Red Eagle. See William Weatherford.
Red Heifer Tavern, 48.
Red River, 703.
Regular Army of United States, 70, 93, 95, 96, 121, 126, 132, 146, 149, 151, 156, 158, 169, 170, 175, 182, 187, 196, 197, 198, 211, 224, 225,
Regular Army of United States— Continued
238, 242, 261, 266, 286, 289, 295, 309, 310, 312.
Reid, Major John, 159, 163, 172, 201,
239, 240, 256, 259, 265, 266, 269,
2 73> 2 74-Reid, Maria, 274. Relief! Party, 557, 560, 567, 588. Rcmenhill, Joseph, 93. Removals from office.
see Andrew Jackson, Presidential
Administrations, Spoils system. Rennie, Colonel, British Army, at
New Orleans, 246. Republican Party, 338, 346, 364, 389,
396, 406, 418. Republicanism, 367.
see Republican Party. Republicans, 103, 116, 270, 276. Revolutionary War, in the Carolinas,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
25, 26, 27; disillusionment after,
38, 39; 70, 156. Reynolds, Major, 213. Rhea, John, 377; Representative, 282;
Jackson declares he receives famous
letter from, 285; 295; controversy
between Jackson and others over
letter, 827. Rhode Island, 143, 388, 639. Rice, Joel, 74. Richardson, Nancy Craighead. See
Dunlap. Richardson, William, D.D., 8, 10, 12. Richmond Enquirer, 125, 453, 497,
658, 767. Richmond, North Carolina, 37. Richmond, Virginia, 72, 82, 128, 130,
271, 272, 383, 433, 856. Riddle, James, 362. Rio Grande, 356, 700, 703. Rip Raps, Virginia, 517, 577, 646, 647,
746. Ritchie, Thomas, 453, 497, 501, 507,
658. Rives, John C, 683, 718, 748, 757, 759,
773' 777778, 891; see also Blair &
Rives, William C, 504.
Roan Knob, North Carolina, 24.
Roane, Archibald, 90.
Roane, Representative, 539.
Roanoke, Va., 440.
Robards, Captain Lewis, 38; marries Rachel Donelson in 1785, 52; jealousy of Jackson, 53; refuses Jackson's invitation to duel, 60; divorces Rachel, 63, 65, 71, 72, 803; 99, 303, 805; death mentioned, 344; Rachel Jackson as "unhappy wife" of, 371; divorce scandal renewed, 463-468; character of, 855; in Peyton Short affair, 855-856.
Robards, Mrs. George, 855.
Robards, Mrs., mother of Lewis, 52.
Robards, Rachel Donelson. See Rachel Jackson.
Roberts, Brigadier-General Isaac, 169.
Roberts, Lewis. See Robards.
Robertson, Elijah, 77.
Robertson, Dr. Felix, 119.
Robertson, James, 49, 51, 57, 60, 62, no, 120, 126, 483
Robertson, Private Joe, 242.
Robertson's Station, Tennessee, 58.
Roche, Captain, at New Orleans, 214.
Roche's, at Charleston, 613.
Rodriquez Canal, 738.
Rodsmith, Paul, 36.
Roebuck, race-horse, 33.
Rogers, Mr., guest of White House, 668.
Rome, 489, 619.
Ross, Colonel, at New Orleans, 187, 192.
Rotation in office.
see Andrew Jackson, Presidential Administrations, Spoils system.
Rousseau, Augustin, 216.
Rowan House, Salisbury, North Carolina, 34, 36.
Roy, Lieutenant, at Fort Bowyer, 188, 189.
Royall, Mrs. Anne, 546, 547, 834.
Ruggles, Benjamin, 406.
Rush, Richard, 735.
Russell, Captain, in Creek campaign,
160. Russia, 339. Russian Minister, 534. Rutledge, Henry M., 481.
Sabine River, 356.
St. Augustine, Florida, 283, 308, 309, 320.
St. Clairsville, Ohio, 406.
St. Geme, Captain, at New Orleans, 203, 212, 214.
St. Genevieve, Louisiana, 100.
St. Louis, Mo., 370.
St. Louis Branch Bank of U. S., 652.
St. Marks, Florida, 285; Jackson captures, 287; 288, 291, 293, 295, 308,
309, 773-St. Petersburg, Russia, 339. Salem, Mass., 644. Salisbury, North Carolina, 5, 7, 35,
36, 37> 4 1 * 55> 79> 396-Salisbury Western Carolinian, 354. Sam, freed slave, 692. San Jacinto, Battle of, 705, 776-777,
781. San Jacinto River, 705. Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 703-
705, 762; sister of, 700. Santo Domingo (Haiti), 203, 275. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 645. Savannah, Georgia, 18, 281. Schools, 12, 13, 17, 18, 31, 34, 49, 68,
107, 150, 283, 300, 304, 307, 329,
330, 811. Schuyler, Margaret, 438. Schuylkill County, Pa., 660. Scotch-Irish settlers in Pennsylvania,
3> 7-
Scotland, 338.
Scott, John, Representative, of Missouri, 415, 428, 429, 430, 436, 443.
Scott, John, Tennessee planter, 349.
Scott, General Winfield, 381, 383, 440, 607, 610, 686, 711; 279, 310,
332. Scott, Major Thomas B., 349. Secession, 582, 610-612, 615, 616, 621,
Sectionalism, 367, 582, 716, 751, 753.
Seminole campaign, 543.
Seminole Indians, 198, 282, 283, 286, 293, 314, 711.
Senate, United States, 79, 82, 90, 102, 103, 122, 297, 301, 310, 320; members of, 370, 388, 529, 577, 587, 606, 658; chamber, 382, 445; 382, 398, 439, 451, 509, 526, 530, 531, 542, 594, 612, 613, 655, 661, 677, 686, 694, 705, 714, 752; committees of, 382, 564, 684; bills and resolutions presented and considered, 393, 401, 403, 525, 590, 659, 675; bills and resolutions passed, 396, 620-621, 674, 718, 732; adjournment, 498, 663; on presidential appointments, 520-521, 595, 675, 693, 708, 719; on treaties, 580, 763, 766, 767, 774.
Sergeant, John, 589.
Serurier, Louis, French minister, 681, 682-684, 686, 695, 697.
Sevier, Andrew Jackson, 773.
Sevier, Catherine Sherrill (Bonny Kate), 40.
Sevier, Charles, 164.
Sevier, George Washington, 94.
Sevier, John, 24; governor of State of Franklin, 40; 41, 49, 62, 70, 71; governor of Tennessee, 1796, 77; 81, 83, 88; Jackson exposes fraudulent land deals of, 90; insults Mrs. Jackson and refuses duel with Jackson, 92; 108, 143.
Sevier, John, 338, 755, 773.
Sevier, Sarah K, 773.
Shannon, John, 806.
Shaw, Henry, 358, 359.
Shaw, Kentucky sportsman, 544.
Shelby, Evan, 58.
Shelokta, Creek chief, 178.
Sherman, Mrs., guest of White House, 668.
Short, Peyton, 52, 65, 855-856.
Sign of the Indian King Tavern, 93.
Simpson, Stephen, 447.
Sitler, James, 153.
Skipwith, Fulwar, 230.
Slaves and Slavery, Jackson's personal ownership of slaves, 340, 348-350, 592, 692; Calhoun supported by slave-holding states, 362; J. Q. Adams's views regarding, 366; "Fanny Wright's free love colony," 449-450; Richmond Enquirer's influence in slave-holding states, 453; Branch represents best traditions of slave-holding aristocracy, 491; Jackson sees slavery as chief nullification issue, 621-622, 691; early proposals for emancipation, 691; Nat Turner's rebellion, 692; abolition crusade launched under Garrison, 774; emancipation in West Indies, 692; Calhoun proclaims slavery a good thing for both races, 692; condition of negroes, 692; Washington Irving on slavery, 693; Calhoun advocates admission of Texas to Union with view to slavery expansion, 705; Texas' application for admission delights slave-holders, 711; Jackson attempts to balance northern and eastern interests in Texas against slave-holders', 716; W. H. Harrison unpopular in slavehold-ing states, 739; slavery question delays annexation of Texas, 751-752; statesmanship of Henry Clay in dealing with problem, 753; Texans take united stand on, 765; slavery declared paramount issue in question of Texas annexation, 774; James Wilson as free-soiler, 841; Peyton Short intends to buy slaves, 856; illicit relations of Robards with slaves, 855.
Slave trade, 14, 59, 74, 104, 134, 275,
3i5-Sloane, John, 430. Smart family, North Carolina, 21. Smart, Susan. See Alexander. Smiley, Major, of Kentucky at New
Orleans, 246. Smith, Brigadier-General Daniel, 54,
56, 57, 62, 122, 278, 810. Smith, Major Francis, 546-547.
Smith, J. Kilty, 200, 201, 208. Smith, Margaret Bayard, 487, 491,
493, 509, 587. Smith, Mary, 546-547. Smith, Seba, 641, 658. Smith, William, 131. Smuggling, 522. Social philosophy, in Jackson's Bank
veto message, 601-602; Jackson's
and Marshall's compared, 707-708. Somerset County, Maryland, 48. Songs and rhymes, campaign, 739,
740, 741. Sophie, British brig, 182, 185, 187,
188. Sousa, Lieutenant Domingo, 322, 324,
3 2 5-
Southard, Secretary of Navy, 457-458.
South Carolina, controversy with North Carolina over boundary, 10, 791; birthplace of Jackson, 11, 791; in Revolutionary War, 15, 18, 19, 24; 30, 142, 163, 266, 271, 276, 283; political sentiments, 358, 367, 384, 388, 390, 396, 409, 707; 375, 429, 439> 454> 455> 494> 685, 705, 752, 758, 760; nullification controversy,
5 2 3"5 2 4> 537-54°> 54 8 > 57°' 5 8 °-5 82 > 587, 593, 604, 607-622, 630, 640; Legislature, 582, 618.
South Carolinians, 347, 368, 370, 371, 403, 470, 471, 476, 494, 538.
South, the, 335, 348, 366, 391, 396, 402, 442, 471, 523, 527, 529, 538, 581, 598, 605, 621, 649, 650, 692,
6 95> 7°3> 7°5» 734> 73 8 , 753-Southwest Point, Tennessee, 94. Southwest, the, 340, 770. Spain, 41; conspiracy to separate Cumberland country from Union, 55; 77, 83, 96, 102, 103, 104, 112, 120, 121, 122, 123, 127; silent ally of Britain and supporter of Creeks, 158; 175; extends hospitality in Florida to hostile Indians, 179; 182, 183, 190, 191; displays bad faith in Mobile campaign, 197; 202, 210, 218, 245, 274, 280, 281; surrenders St. Marks to Jackson, 287; demands
Spain— Continued
restitution of captured forts of Florida and punishment of Jackson, 291; 293, 295, 296; signs treaty transferring Florida to United States, 301; 306, 308; ratifies Florida purchase treaty, 309; formally transfers Florida to United States, 317; 324, 339, 356, 453, 683.
Spanish. See Spain.
Spanish territories, 349, 465, 856.
Sparks, Captain, 92.
Sparks, W. H., 597.
Sparks, Mrs. W. H., 597.
Specie Circular, 707, 718, 729-731.
Speculation, 399, 548, 690, 699, 703, 706-707, 728-729, 731, 735, 742, 784.
Spencer, Captain, 220.
Spoils system.
see Andrew Jackson, Presidential Administrations, Spoils system.
Spotts, Lieutenant, 242.
Stamp Tax, resented by colonists, 6, 7.
Stark, John, 64, 65.
State of Franklin, 39, 40, 47, 62, 88.
State-rights, 365, 530, 537, 539, 540, 557, 610, 615.
Staunton, Va., 379.
Steele, Graves, 544, 597, 628.
Steele, Robert, 363.
Stevenson, Andrew, 430.
Stokes, Colonel John, 36, 346, 396.
Stokes, Montfort, 346-347.
Stono Ferry, battle of, 18.
Storrs, Henry Randolph, 416, 428.
Story, Justice Joseph, 577, 720, 721.
Strater's Hotel, Washington, D. C, 297.
Stuart, James, 77.
Stuart, John, 93.
Stump, Colonel, in Creek campaign, 596.
Stump-the-Dealer, race-horse, 267.
Sugar Creek Church, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 7.
Sumner County, Tennessee, 62, 132, 228.
Sumter, Colonel Thomas, 19, 20, 21.
Sumter's Surprise, 30.
Superior Court of Tennessee, 85, 87, 91, 93. See Superior Court of Western District.
Superior Court of Western District,
38, 45, 54, 59, 61. Swann, Thomas, 107, 108, 109, no,
125, 152. Swartwout, Samuel, 122 124, 130,
412, 429, 504, 522, 569, 703, 734. Sycamore Shoals, North Carolina, 24.
Taggart, Mr., applicant for office, 784.
Tait, Captain, of British Army, 155.
Talbot's Hotel, Nashville, 98, 120.
Talladega, battle of, 160, 166, 759.
Tallahassee, Fla., 677.
Tallushatchee, battle of, 159, 266.
Tammany Committee, 668.
Tammany Hall, 300.
Tarn O'Shanter, race-horse, 267.
Taney, Roger B., 643; appointed Attorney General, 579; first Cabinet controversy, 588; opposed to the Bank, 600-601; squabble with Mc-Lane, 630; views on the Bank, and fight against, 633-636, 643, 648-652; Senate rejects nomination for Treasury post, 675, 693; rejected for Associate Justice, 694; appointed and confirmed as Chief Justice, 708; Administers oath to Van Buren, 719.
Tanner, race-horse, 106, 107.
Tariff, Calhoun and Clay high-tariff, 362; Crawford anti-tariff, 365; Adams high-tariff, 366; Calhoun's stand on, wins him support in Pennsylvania, 367; Jackson's stand unknown, 369; Grass Hat letters force Jackson's declaration, 372-373; issue of anti-Jackson forces, 392; great protectionist speech of Clay, 393; "American system" wins, 394; Jackson declares for "judicious tariff," 394; protests against tariff measure encourage Crawford, 396; Jackson refuses to recant, 397, 401, 471; opponents of Jackson's views on tariff weaken, 401, 404; Clay finds Adams's tariff new basis for
Tariff— Continued
support, 424; tariff issue obscured by personal abuse, 471; mentioned in first message to Congress, 523; growing protests against, in South Carolina, 524; Webster-Hayne debate, 530, et seq., 536-537; Jackson determines to enforce, 539, 548; nullification of tariff deplored by Southern Nationalists, 581-582; McLane proposes to link recharter with tariff and public lands issues, 586; South Carolina proclaims tariff void, 610; Verplanck bill presented, 616; Jackson asks Congress to authorize military force to collect customs, 618; Verplanck measure, Clay compromise and "Force Bill", 619-621; Jackson signs "Force Bill" and Clay tariff bill, 621; duty on French wines lowered, 682; tariff less contributory to disunion than slavery, 691; see also Andrew Jackson, Political Activities to 1829, and Andrew Jackson, Presidential Administrations, Nullification in South Carolina. Tariff, race horse, 544-545. Tarleton, Lieutenant Colonel Banastre,
19,21,22,23. Tarleton's raid of the Waxhaws, 757. Tatum, Major Howell, 217. Taverns, Hotels, etc., see Quarter House Tavern, Charleston; Mc-Crady's Tavern, Charleston; Rowan House, Salisbury, North Carolina; Red Heifer, Nashville; Sign of the Indian King, Knoxville; Conrad's boarding house, Washington, D. C; De Monbreun's tap-room, Nashville; Talbot's, Nashville; Winn's Tavern, Nashville; Nashville Inn, Nashville; Miller's Tavern, Kentucky; Clover Bottom Tavern, Tennessee; Eagle Tavern, Richmond; City Hotel, Nashville; Hotel du Tremoulet, New Orleans; Gabsby's Hotel, Baltimore; Exchange Coffee House, New Orleans; Strater's Hotel, Washington, D. C.
INDEX 9 6 7
Taverns— Continued
Taverns, hotels, boarding houses, etc., 670, 750; see alio American House, Brown's Indian Queen, Claxton's, Franklin House, Gadsby's, Gault's Tavern, Nashville Inn, O'Neale's, Tremont House.
Taxes, 336, 346.
Tazewell, Littleton W., 504.
Tecumseh, 156, 157, 178, 526, 740.
Telford, Lieutenant, 70.
Tennessee Legislature, 165, 306.
Tennessee named, 77; 78, 70, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85; growth of, 88; 90, 91, 92, 95, 97, 995 support of Burr's conspiracy, 102; 106, 113, 115, 119, 125,
T 33, *34, !35> *37>/4 2 > x 43, M4'> mobilizes for war with England in 1812, 146; 149, 150, 151, 157; supports Creek campaign, 159; 175, 178. 180, 182, 194, 196; supports New Orleans campaign, 199, 207, 211, 215, 228, 254, 259; 268, 273, 275. 283, 285, 287, 298; President Monroe visits, 304; excludes branches of Bank of the United States, 305; 306, 326.
Tennesseans, 381, 396, 412, 419, 512, 575, 715, 841.
Tennessee, plantations and planters,
336, 458; 338, 374, 4"> 433, 45o>
468, 476, 480, 488, 489, 490, 515,
547, 548, 551, 556, 565, 567, 571,
573, 574> 59 2 , 596, 597, 606, 609,
627, 628, 654, 665, 687, 688, 691,
692, 701, 712, 713, 718, 721, 723,
736, 742, 756, 75 8 > 7 82 , 855, 891,
Legislature of, 341, 346, 347, 351-
355, 358, 361, 363, 377-378, 388,
395, 451, 452, 677, 707; resident?
of , 344, 399, 5°6, 5M, 546, 55 8 , 577 595, 668, 772; congressmen of, 356, 381, 382, 386, 398, 454, 490, 492^ 508, 575, 669, 770; Governor of, 358, 618, 702, 732, 738, 750; political sentiments in, 358, 361, 362,
370, 384, 409, 415, 694, 705, 706,
74 J , 753- 767, 768-769, 775; West,
Tennessee— Continued
banks, 556, 557; Supreme Court of,
695. Tennessee River, 349, 834. Territory South of the River Ohio, 62,
73, 76. Texas, 102, 103, 281, 356, 523, 683, 699-706, 711, 715-716, 718, 724, 750-
754, 7 6l -77°, 77 J -77 2 > 774-777> 779' 782, 784, 786; see also Andrew Jackson, Presidential Administrations, Foreign policy.
"The Great Waggon Road," Pennsylvania, 3.
Thomas, Major General, of Kentucky militia, 199, 211, 240, 242.
Thompson, Lieutenant, 231.
Thompson, noted Whig of South Carolina, 26.
Thompson, Smith, 354.
Thornton, Colonel William, British Army, 221, 225, 243, 244, 247, 248, 404.
Timberlake, John B., 386-387, 508, 516, 518, 636.
Timberlake, Margaret, 384-387, 398, 459, 508-510, 517; see also Margaret Eaton, and Andrew Jackson, Presidential Administrations, Eaton affair.
Tippecanoe, 739.
see also William Henry Harrison.
Tippecanoe Club, of Nashville, 741.
Tipton, John, 40.
Titsworth family of Tennessee, 58.
Tobacco-growing, 340, 710.
Tohopeka, Mississippi Territory, 166; battle of, 170; 251.
"Tomahawk rights" to lands, 6.
Tonnant, British man-of-war, 218.
Tories, of South Carolina, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 31, 47.
Tousard, Louis de, 259.
Towson, Colonel Nathan, 516-518.
Trade, in the Waxhaws, 14; in Mero District, 55, 56; 74, 96, 99, 100, 142.
Trails and Roads. See "The Great Waggon Road"; Catawba Traders' Path, Charles Town-Salisbury Road; Cumberland Road; Chickasaw
Trails and Roads— Continued
Road; Natchez Trace; Kentucky Road; Lebanon Road; War Path.
Translyvania University, 330, 340,
344, 355-
Treason, 610, 615, 617.
Treasury. see United States Treasury Department.
Treasury Order. see Specie Circular.
Treaties. see United States, treaties of.
Tremont House, Boston, 641.
Trimble, David, 443, 454.
Trollope, Frances, 488.
Truxton, race-horse, 105, 106, 107, no, 336, 337, 544, 545, 5975 race against Ploughboy, in; 113, 132, 143, 268.
Tulip Grove, home of A. J. Donelson, 712.
Tulip Hill Plantation, home of Virgil Maxcy, 375.
Turner, Nat, slave rebellion of, 692.
Tyler, John, 619, 620, 622, 738-740,
745, 74 6 , 749, 75 h 752, 7 6 °, 762-763, 765, 766, 774, 777.
Union Bank of Baltimore, 651-652,
7 2 9-
Union Party, in South Carolina nullification episode, 540, 581, 604, 609, 610.
United States, 62, 69, 70, 77, 80, 96, 101, 120, 121, 123, 127, 129, 134, 141, 144, 146, 149, 156, 158, 187, 191, 202, 216, 250, 262, 263, 275, 287, 289, 296; 356, 360, 389, 390, 404, 407, 411, 420, 440, 447, 449, 474, 482, 507, 539, 549, 550, 554, 566, 583, 604, 611, 613, 615, 637, 639, 654, 674, 681, 682, 684, 686, 696-698, 699, 703, 715, 720, 724,
730, 744, 751, 762-767, 776, 781; signs treaty for purchase of Florida, 301; 321; Bank of, see under Banks; boundaries of, 699-700, 724, 751; governmental de-
United States— Continued
partments of: navy, 386, 491, 493, 511, 521, 576, 579, 862; post office,
491, 492, 521; state, 491, 493, 504, 682, 686, 698, 862; treasury, 195, 362, 395, 491, 492, 499, 500, 521, 525, 526, 534, 554-556, 560-562, 579,
584, 595, 629, 637, 642-643, 645, 650-651, 660, 682, 690, 693-694, 723, 731, 760, 784; war, 458, 491-495, 499, 521, 522, 578, 613, 703, 862; national debt, 524, 526, 527, 562,
585, 690; treaties of, 51, 69, 70, 74, 76, 80, 356, 523, 548-552, 580, 604, 681-684, 697, 702-703, 706, 711, 763-
7 6 7, 774-United States Bank of Pennsylvania,
73i, 735, 744-United States Navy, 208. United States' Telegraph, 455, 456,
459, 460, 465, 467, 537, 567-569,
570, 605, 632, 861. University of Pennsylvania, 553. University of Virginia, 597. Ursuline Sisters, 104, 212, 261. Utica, N. Y., 416.
Van Buren, Abraham, 512-513, 574, 626, 668, 750.
Van Buren, John, 626, 750.
Van Buren, Martin, 144; political influence in New York, 365-366, 383, 390, 402, 411, 436, 437, 501, 616; allied with Crawford, 365, 367, 389, 402, 405-407, 410; description of, 415, 496; predicts Jackson victory, 417, 420, 423, 429, 436, 438, 453, 455, 461, 509, 512, 526, 527, 539, 548, 560, 568, 569, 570, 578, 605, 606, 613, 618, 619, 625, 645, 686, 688, 715; supporters of, 436, 470,
492, 503, 630, 693; election bets, 457, 669-670; anti-Calhoun efforts, 471, 476, 492, 501, 527, 528, 534, 540, 569-570, 573, 579; Secretary of State, 491, 496-497, 504-505, 506,
5 21 , 5 2 5, 535, 545, 55 2 , 569* 575; on patronage, 496, 501-502, 504, 506, 519, 521, 522; sons of, 512-513, 574, 750; Eaton affair, 515-518,
Van Buren, Martin— Continued
519, 532-536, 574-577; horseback rides, 519, 533, 545, 574, 593, 640; Minister to Great Britain, 575, 589, 593-595, 601, 605; for Vice President, 594-595, 605; on nullification, 614-617, 620, 699-700; as Vice President, 617, 634, 638, 641, 644, 648, 653, 656, 660, 668, 671, 697; presidential candidate, 694, 695, 707, 711; as President, 713, 719, 723-724, 729-731, 734, 735, 738, 745; candidate for re-election, 738-742; defeated, 742; aspires to 1844, 749-752, 755; agreement with Clay on Texas, 753-754, 767-772.
Van Buren family, 749-750.
Van Dyke, Dr. Thomas J., 94.
Van Rensselaer family, 749.
Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 436, 437-
439, 440-441-
Vance, Representative, 454.
Vaux, Robert, 654.
Verell, Major John, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, in.
Vermont Journal, 608.
Ve'rplanck, Representative, 616, 619, 620, 630, 631.
Versailles, 494.
Vic\sburg, steamboat, 737.
Vidal, Mercedes, 322.
Vidal, Nicolas Maria, 322, 326.
Villere, Celestin, 222.
Villere, Major General Jacques Phil-lippe de, 212, 220, 221, 230, 236.
Villere, Major Rene Phillippe Gabriel, warns Jackson British have landed below New Orleans, 220; captured by British, 222; acquitted at court martial, 821.
Virginia, 4, 5, 14, 19, 24, 49, 52, 59, 71, 92, 105, 128, 180, 267, 268, 272, 274, 292, 301; political sentiments
in > 343, 376, 3 88 > 4M> 457, 5 2 7, 610, 615, 616, 622; 365, 368, 376, 379, 380, 383, 386, 387, 397, 402, 411, 418, 430, 432, 434, 436, 465, 475, 489, 499, 546, 595, 619, 621, 652, 662, 708, 738, 856; Governor of, 618; slave rebellion, 692.
Virginia Dynasty, 365.
Virginia, General Assembly of, 65, 66,
71, 72, 128. Virginia Resolutions of 1798, 538. Virginia, University of, 597. Virginians, 429, 452, 510, 511, 636. Vivart, White House chef, 507. Vives, Francisco Dionisio, 309.
Wadesborough, North Carolina, 37.
Walker, Robert J., 362, 763, 765, 784.
Ward, Albert, 736-737, 743, 892.
Ward, Colonel Edward, 341, 348, 736.
Ward, Edward, 99, 104, 267, 303, 304, 306.
War Department, 96, 125, 144, 145, 146, 148, 151, 166, 175, 176, 194, 198, 203, 215, 254, 266, 279, 282, 294.
War Hawks, 142, 283, 368, 426.
War of 1812, 345, 526, 537.
War Path, 305.
Warren, Edward, 640.
Warrenton, Va., 394.
Washington Branch Bank of U. S., 587, 632.
Washington College, 446.
Washington County, Mississippi Territory, 137.
Washington, D. C, 97, 102, 150, 151, 152, 181, 194, 215, 218, 220, 225, 252, 255, 260, 270, 271, 280, 289, 297, 299, 300, 301, 306, 310, 327, 332, 344, 360, 367, 370, 371, 375,
376, 377, 378, 379, 3 8l > 385, 387>
390, 391, 396, 398, 399, 407, 408,
409, 410, 411, 415, 416, 417, 419,
426, 428, 429, 431, 435, 442, 447,
450, 451, 452, 455, 456, 463, 475,
476, 482, 483, 487, 488, 489, 492,
495, 496, 497, 501, 505, 507, 508,
509, 510, 511, 517, 519, 520, 521,
524, 529, 533, 542, 546, 550, 551,
552, 554, 561, 573, 574, 575, 576,
579, 582, 583, 586, 589, 597, 599,
603, 607, 609, 613, 614, 617, 621,
623, 625, 626, 632, 648, 652, 654,
659, 664, 668, 672, 677, 681, 693,
698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 711, 717,
Washington, D. C.— Continued 720, 727, 728, 729, 745, 757, 763, 764, 765, 767, 771, 777-779, 862; Capitol Hill, 382, 387, 493, 505, 525, 626, 662, 718; F Street, 431, 440; Pennsylvania Avenue, 492, 493, 494, 54 6 , 573, 625, 719, 724; Second Street, 724.
Washington, George, 18, 49, 56, 62, 70; Jackson suggests impeachment of, 76; 79, 80, 81, 95, 117, 176, 193, 2 5 8 , 3°4; 344, 358, 3 66 , 4°4, 44 2 , 449, 503, 549, 66 9, 708, 721, 746; mother of, 636.
Washington Globe, the, 569-571, 575-576, 580, 660, 672, 685, 695, 768.
Washington junto. See Junto.
Washington, Pa., 446.
Washington Republican, 403.
Watauga Fort, North Carolina, 40.
Watkins, Tobias, 500.
Watmough, John, 624, 631, 652, 657.
Watson, Thomas, 85, 99, 793.
Wauchope, James, 23.
Waxhaw Church, South Carolina, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 25, 37.
Waxhaw Creek, South Carolina, 757.
Waxhaws, 3, 4, 5; description of settlement and growth, 5, 6; 13, 14; sends food to Boston after Tea Party, 15; in Revolutionary War, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 32, 33, 35, 47; 68, 72, 84; boundary dispute, 791; 374, 577, 583, 721, 757.
Weakley, Robert, 64.
Weatherford, Charles, 156, 175.
Weatherford, John, 156.
Weatherford, William, 661; ancestry of, 155; destroys Fort Mims, 157; 158, 159, 161, 163, 166, 167, 171; surrenders to Jackson, 172; 275.
Webb, James Watson, 657.
Webster, Daniel, quoted, 358, 383 389, 397, 402, 420-421, 487-489 720; 375, 439, 614, 714, 722; opin ion of Jackson, 383, 397, 487-488 521, 720; personal qualities, 394 530, 531; speeches in Congress 394, 53°-53i, 537, 54i, 621; political
Webster, Daniel— Continued
ambitions, 431, 437, 621, 684, 707; political activity, 436, 438, 594, 694; nullification, 529, 531, 53 6 '539. 54 1 ' 542, 612, 620, 639; Bank controversy, 589, 602, 605, 654, 657-660, 674.
Weehawken, N. J., 560.
Wellington, Duke of, 180, 181, 182, 183, 218, 227, 254.
West, the, 335, 356, 359, 366, 368,
37o, 375. 39 l > 39 2 > 395. 39 8 . 399. 403, 410, 411, 415, 422, 424, 430,
433> 436, 44 2 . 443. 4 6 3. 47*. 5 12 .
523, 524, 525, 527, 529, 537, 557,
565, 568, 581, 585, 595, 598, 605,
649, 650, 703, 705, 721, 738, 739,
Western District. See Mero District.
Western Light, race-horse, 267, 336.
West Indies, 683, 695; see also British West Indies.
West Point (United States Military Academy), 278, 280, 300, 307, 344, 385, 626, 781.
Weymss, Major, British Army, 20.
Wharton, William H., 715-716, 718-719.
Wheeling, Va., 447, 724.
Whig Party, 841.
Whigs, 603, 680, 684, 707, 722, 734, 735. 738-74^ 744. 748, 749. 75°. 753. 7 6 7. 774. 775-
White, Captain, Andrew, 92.
White, David, 427, 434.
White House, 492, 493, 495, 496, 501, 512, 513, 517, 519, 525, 526, 535. 537. 55 2 . 558, 562, 566, 567
568, 570, 571, 577, 578, 593, 596, 600, 617, 624, 626, 645, 646, 647, 662, 672, 677, 683, 686, 688, 702, 704, 708, 709, 710, 715, 716, 718, 719, 724, 745, 773; receptions, 494, 5°3> 5°7. 53 1 . 53 6 ; guests, 494, 568-
569, 591-592, 594, 597, 601, 609, 625-626, 628, 634, 668, 703; East Room, 494, 568, 669; mistresses, 512-513, 514, 548, 712; young people, 545, 546, 577, 625-626; Red
White House— Continued
Room, 594, 626, 681; stable, 597,
669; described, 625. White, Hugh Lawson, 490-491, 520,
538, 578, 677, 694, 707, 713. White, Brigadier General James, 160. White, Dr. James, 58, 62. White, Captain Maunsel, 203, 214,
460, 461, 666, 667. Whiteside, Senator Jenkin, 133, 134,
Wikoff, Henry, 594.
Wilberforce, Mr., English Abolitionist, 494.
Wilcox, Mary Donelson, 67.
Wildcat banks. see Banks.
Wilkinson, Major, 246.
William and Mary, College of, 107, 150.
Wilkesboro, N. C, 346.
Wilkinson, General James, 96, 102, 120, 121; betrays Burr, 124; 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 144, 145, 147, 148, 151, 175, 214.
Williams, Berry, 268.
Williams, Colonel John, 377-378.
Williams, Judge John F., 37.
Williams, Willoughby, 768.
Wilson, George, 345.
Wilson, James, grandfather of Wood-row Wilson, 841.
Wilson, John, 23.
Winchester, Brigadier General James, 144, 148, 198, 205, 211, 254; founds Memphis, 306.
Winn's Tavern, Nashville, 98, 109.
Wirt, William, 549, 550, 605, 608.
Wise, Henry A., 662, 664.
Wise, Henry R., 474-476-
Witherspoon, James H., 794.
Wolf, Governor George, of Pennsylvania, 672, 673.
Wood, Molly, 36.
Wood, Rachel, 36.
Woodbine, Captain George, 286, 287, 289, 296.
Woodbury, Levi, 561, 579, 601, 638, 649, 693, 769.
Woods, Private John, 169, 468. Wooley, Melling, 802. Worcester, Samuel A., 603. Wrenn, William, 24. Wright, Frances, 449-450. Wright, Silas, 503, 617, 769, 770, 771. Wyer, Edward, 424-425, 431. Wylie, Andrew, 446-447.
Yale College, 380. Yale University, 283, 304.
Yeatman, Thomas, 340.
Yeatman, Woods & Co., Nashville
bankers, 729. York, Pennsylvania, 3. Yorke, Sarah.
see Sarah Yorke Jackson. Yorktown, Virginia, 28. You, Dominique, pirate, 186, 212, 213;
at defense of New Orleans, 232,
238, 241. "Young Hickory."
see James K. Polk.
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