This book is written with the assistance of my remarkable mother. With crystal clear clarity she has recounted to me the story’s ebb and flow, its peaks and many troughs. Despite the turbulence in her own life, her optimistic outlook has remained afloat and she is my mainstay in life.

I would like to give special thanks to Russell Boston, who shared his insights with breathtaking honesty. He has lived a nightmare but his innate humanity and decency shine bright.

I owe immense gratitude to the Cold Case Review Unit of Greater Manchester Police: Martin Bottomley, Michaela Clinch and Julie Adams, but particularly Martin for his ‘beyond the call of duty’ guidance, delivered with humour and compassion. Without him listening and acting upon the information I brought forth in that first week of October 2015, none of this would have happened. His considerable expertise and patience steadied my sometime rolling ship.

Thank you to my dear husband Ben and my beloved children, Alexandra, Charlie and Freya, for their unwavering, unconditional love, support and understanding. Collectively, they are my lighthouse and harbour from life’s tempests.

Last, but not least, my sagacious literary agent, Robert Smith, who gave me the steer I needed.