In April of ’93, Jack Nicholson became the youngest recipient of the American Film Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award. The overflow celebrity turnout honoring the Irishman was, by far, the biggest in Hollywood’s history. At the evening’s conclusion, the star-studded audience of two thousand–plus stood in unison, applauding Irish as he walked from dais to stage to receive the award.
Passing my table on his way to the stage, he made his only stop, put his arms around me for all to see, and whispered in my ear, “Love ya, Keed.” Then, without another word to anyone, he pressed his way through the crowd and onto the stage.
Gotta say, the nineties ain’t been bad. That embrace, totally impulsive, meant and said more than any I’ve ever had in my life.
Another thing that’s for sure: the nineties didn’t stop me from making headlines. Damn it, why can’t they be middle of the road? It’s either champagne or sedative time. Before one full moon turns into another, I get it in the front. I get it in the back.
Splashed across the Arts & Leisure section of The New York Times was a picture more glamorous than any I’ve taken since playing the bullfighter in The Sun Also Rises—not in suit, shirt, and tie, but jumping out of a pool, dripping wet, gazing into the sun. Macho beefcake time! Cruise, Nicholson, Costner, Beatty couldn’t expect a more dazzling display, especially from the Times. But me! Doesn’t make sense. Can’t deny it, though, it was one hell of an ego boost. Across four columns ran the headline: “THE RISE, FALL AND RISE OF ROBERT EVANS.”
This was followed by a two-thousand-word epistle on “the reemergence of a film giant,” written by Bernard Weinraub, the Times’ ace entertainment journalist.
Like the foam on the head of a cold glass of beer, the high was short-lived. Two weeks later to the day, the name Robert Evans again blazed across the top of the page. This time, the Los Angeles Times, with an equally large photo. No beefcake here—law cake. The headline? A bit different!
Being hoisted and dumped within two weeks does not come easily. It’s an art form unto itself that few survive. Trust me, I’ve got a Ph.D. in it.
My life today? The best it’s ever been! Would you believe that on November 12, 1995, “Jesse James” Evans will be the recipient of Blockbuster’s Lifetime Achievement Award at the Tenth Annual Fort Lauderdale Film Festival? Feels good to not only be the first producer to cop one, but to follow last year’s recipient, Martin Scorsese. Can’t deny it, though, the nineties carried some heavy luggage. I’ve been shot down, bloodied, trampled, accused, disgraced, threatened, betrayed, scandalized, maligned. Tough? Sure, but I ain’t complainin’! Nothin’ comes easy.
Not unlike Popeye: “I yam what I yam, that’s all what I yam.”
Imperfect? Very! Do I like myself? Finally! Do my detractors bother me? Hell no! It’s their problem, I ain’t gonna change.
Resolve: Fuck ’em, fuck ’em all.