
Chapter 9  


SWEAT DRIPPED DOWN my face and my arms hurt like a bastard but that punching bag had done me wrong and needed to be taught a lesson. The ringing of my gloves slamming against the leather gave me a sense of satisfaction that few other things could nowadays.

That bag had Holden King’s face on it. It always had Holden’s face on it. Since the day I started training at the gym over two years ago, every punch that welled up inside me had one aim.

I tried to wipe the sweat from my forehead but I only made things worse. I’d grab a towel after another round. It wasn’t time yet. I’d stop when that hard lump in my belly went away or at least softened enough for me to live with. That lump seemed to grow bigger by the day, though.

“Time to give it a rest,” called Bob. He was my trainer and the owner of the gym.

“In a minute.” Bob didn’t like to be crossed but I had a lot more in me, I just knew it.

He walked over and grabbed the bag so I had to stop.

“Not in a minute. When I say, stop, it’s time to stop. You know that.”

I grabbed the strap of my glove in my mouth and gave it a tug to loosen the Velcro. You didn’t argue with Bob.

“What the hell’s going on with you? I thought I’d knocked all of that nonsense out of you years ago. You were actually starting to get some discipline but that angry kid is back.”

I walked with him over to the stretching mats. He threw me a towel and I wiped myself down.

“Just going through a bad patch.”

I laid down on the mat and Bob held my ankles while I did my sit-ups.

“We have kids who want to go pro that don’t gun it like you do. You’re going to do damage if you don’t give it a break. You’re here to train, not for therapy.”

“Yeah.” I’d have said more but those sit-ups killed my abs and, now I’d stopped punching, the full effect of the pain came into my arms.

“Don’t ‘yeah’ me. I’m not having you get injured because you have a head of steam.”

Even though Bob said that, I knew it was the only thing I could do to get through this. I needed to direct all the anger and hurt inside me. I wasn’t the type to go out for coffee and long, analytical chats with my girlie friends. I hated talking about my emotions. I could work it out with the punching bag. It didn’t judge me. It took all the punches I could give.

“You’ll be in a world of pain tomorrow.” Bob handed me my water bottle.

That would be fine. I could handle the physical pain. It settled the turmoil.

“Hit the showers, kiddo. And look after yourself.”

I walked across the floor like my body didn’t ache all over. I’d never admit to the pain, not with Bob watching.