*ABRAM (ABRAHAM): son of Tehrah

ADIR: Adira’s name as a boy

ADIRA: daughter of Zakiti, and Lot’s wife

ANAT: Canaanite goddess of war, and sister to Baal

ASHERAH: Canaanite/Hebrew mother goddess

BAAL (BA’AL): Canaanite god, son, and consort of Asherah

BASHAA: Egyptian translator in Babylon

*BERA: deceased king of Sodom

*CHEDORLAOMER: king of Elam (a kingdom southeast of Babylon)

CHIRAM: caravan cook, Danel’s father

DANEL: Chiram’s son

DUNE: Adira’s gelding

*ELIEZER: Abram’s steward

FLAVA: Jemia’s servant

ANAN (ANAN-EL): companion of Mika and Raph

*HAGAR: Sarai’s handmaiden and Abram’s second wife

*HARAN: son of Tehrah, Abram’s brother, and Lot’s father

HURRIYA: Lot’s first wife (Canaanite)

*ISHMAEL: Hagar’s son

JEMIA: Danel’s grandmother

JERAH: young desert man with falcon

KATAR: rug merchant

KERIT: son of Yassib

KURI: Babylonian guard

LAMA: Ur goddess on Adira’s seal

LILA: slave in Lot’s house

MANA: wife of Yassib

MIKA (*MIKA-EL): messenger of El

MOT: Canaanite (Ugarit) god of death and the underworld

NAMI: Adira’s dog

PETRA: daughter of Mana and Yassib

*PHEINÉ: Lot’s daughter (Book of Jabel)

PHILOT: Adira’s donkey

PUZIR: Babylonian guard

RAPH (RAPHA-EL): messenger of El

SAMSU-ILUNA: king of Babylonia

*SARAI (SARAH): Abram’s wife

SCAR: Babylonian guard

SIDILK: Hurrian raider

SHEM: young desert boy

TABNI: priestess of Babylon

TALLIYA: Adira’s mother (goddess of the dew, daughter of Baal)

TALMET: boy of Abram’s tribe

THAMMA: Lot’s daughter (Book of Jabel)

YASSIB: nomad chieftain

ZAKITI: Adira’s father

