Don't fuck with me, fellas. This
ain't my first time at the rodeo.
My accountant split.
Cleaned me out. Hired a hit man.
Adios, Asshole!
“Get a job,” you said.
So I did–and now I can
Afford to leave you.
Love is patient, love
Is kind, until you fuck with
Me. Prepare to die!
You puked all over
My keyboard. I told the boss
You drank all her gin.
Your screaming child is
Clearly devil spawn and you
Should have your tubes tied.
Thanks for sharing BUT
I could really care less, you
Righteous piece of shit.
I get that you want
To dump my ass, but we can't
“Still be friends” — fuck off!
You may have stolen
My identity, but you
Cannot take my rage.
Are you colorblind?
Or just a clueless fuck? Red
Means stop. Green means GO!
Think I won't hit you
As you saunter by when the
Light's green? Just try me!
Expired tags and the
Cop has me towed. Sweet talk got
Me nowhere. Screw you!
Think I went psycho
When I caught you cheating? You
Ain't seen nothin' yet.
Dump your work on me
Again and I'll torch your cube
And key your new car.
Here's an idea:
Instead of making small talk,
Just shut the fuck up.
Who do I have to screw to
Talk to a human?
Want to race me, prick?
My car's worth nothing and yours
Is worth lots. Game on!
I'll seriously
Cut your foot off if you kick
My chair one more time.
There's no need to leave
Your smelly, used tampon on
The floor — pick it up!
Take your deadline and
Shove it up your ass! (Put your
Head there too, will ya?)
4 miles an hour
And I'll get home at midnight.
Want to off myself.
Do I look like I
Know how to hide a bomb in
My shoe? WTF?
Lovely. I guess your
Fat ass needed the last piece
Of toilet paper.
I didn't realize
The shoulder was your very
Own V.I.P. lane!
Do you really need
To laugh that hard, or are you
In ass-kissing mode?
My doc treats me as
If I can't read. But she was
Trained by Web MD.
I have a degree
And can't do my taxes. How do
Stupid people deal?
I think you should have
Purchased two seats because you're
Spilling into mine!
Think you could have told
Me you had herpes before
Jumping in the sack?
If I had a trust
Fund, I might just be as big
An asshole as you.
The only thing worse
Than a bad job is a bad
Boss. Let's quit them both.
I'm going to hell,
But at least the fun people
Will be there with me!