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ADA, 249

Affymetrix, 267

ageing, 196—205

AIDS, 124—5, 205, 267—9

Alkaptonuria, 39, 52, 71

Allison, Anthony, 141

Altman, Sidney, 18

Alzheimer’s disease:

APO-E4 association with, 261-8

inheritance of, 54, 59, 273, 309

American Lung Association, 68, 73

Ames, Bruce, 233-4

Ammon’s horn, 227—8

Amos, William, in, 112

Anderson, French, 248—9

Anderson, Gerry, 293

Angelman, Harry, 207—8

Angelman syndrome, 212-4

apoptosis, 238—42

Apple, 181

Applied Biosystems, 245

Ardipithecus skeleton, 30

Aristode, 13, 16, 174, 184

Ashkenazi Jews, 191—2

Ashworth, Dawn, 132-3

Asquith, Herbert, 294

asthma, 66-75 Austad, Steven, 201-2

Avery, Oswald, 14—15

Avery, Roy, 14

Ayer, A. J., 313


baboon, 154—60

Bailey, Michael, 118

Bakewell, Robert, 272

Baldwin, James Mark, 220-22, 230

Balfour, Arthur, 293

Bateson, William, 39, 45-6, 174

BCG, 69

Beadle, George, 47

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 210

Bede, Venerable, 3 5

bell curve, The (R. J. Herrnstein, C. Murray), 86

Belloc, Hilaire, 293

Bell Telephone Company, 15 5

Berg, Paul, 244, 261

Bickerton, Derek, 94—5

Binet, Alfred, 78, 88

Biogen, 245

Blackburn, Elizabeth, 197

Blaese, Michael, 248—9

Blanchard, Ray, 119

Blanchflower, Danny, 266

blood groups, 136—47

Blunt, Wilfred Scawen, 294

BMP4, 179

Boas, Franz, 92

Boer War (1899-1902), 288

Borna disease, 143

Bouchard, Thomas, 82

Bowman Gray Medical School, North Carolina, 170

Brave new world (Aldous Huxley), 303

breast cancer see cancer Brittan, Sam, 308

Broca’s aphasia, 96, 101

Brock report (1934), 296—7

Brock, Sir Laurence, 296

BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), 59. 281–5

Buck v Bell (1927), 290

Buck, Carrie, 290

Buck, Doris, 290

Buck, Emma, 290

Buck, Vivian, 290

Buckland, Richard, 132—3

Burt, Cyril, 88

Buder, Samuel, 17


Caldicott, Dame Fiona, 265

California Institute of Technology, 312

California Supreme Court, 136

Calment, Jeanne, 203

Calvin, John, 54, 56

Cambrian explosion, 26, 180—1


breast, 190— 1, 236

DCC suppresses, 244

TP53 prevents, 233—42

Capecchi, Mario, 254—5

Carnegie, Andrew, 289

Carter, Rita, 311

Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca, 188—90

Cech, Thomas, 18

Cecil, Lord Robert, 295

Celera, 246

cerebellar ataxia, 59

Cetus, 245

Chagas’ disease, 15 7

Chaplin, Charlie, 136

Chesterton, G. K., 293

chimpanzee, 24, 27—37, 127

Chomsky, Noam, 92—3, 103

chronic fatigue syndrome see ME

Churchill, Winston, 294

Cline, Martin, 247

Clinique Medicale (Armand Trousseau), 67

cloning, 212—3, 255—7

Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, 224, 238, 289

Collins, John, 308

Colossus (computer), 15

Columbia University, 46 ‘comma-free code’, 50

Committee for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Disease, 191, 299

Concepcion, Maria, 57 Consilience (Edward Wilson), 310

Cookson, William, 72—3

Coppens, Yves, 31

Correns, Carl, 44

Cortisol, 149—56

Cosmides, Leda, 102—3

CREB, 224—6, 229, 302

Creutzfeldt, Hans, 274

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), 274—6, 278-80, 284-5

Crick, Francis, 13, 14, 49—51, 61, 138, 276, 280

Culver, Kenneth, 250

cyclic AMP, 223—4, 226

cystic fibrosis, 142 see also Tay-Sachs disease


Daily Telegraph, 116

Dalton, John, 43

Darwin, Charles, 12, 43, 44—6, 93, 103—4, 157—8, 287, 294, 310

Darwin, Erasmus, 12, 22

Darwin, Leonard, 294

Davenport, Charles, 289

Davies, Michael, 160

Davis, Ronald, 226

Dawkins, Richard, 26, 50, 104, 128

DAX, no de LaPlace, Pierre-Simon, 311

Delbruck, Max, 13

de Miranda, Juan Carreno, 206

Department of Health, 296

de Robertis, Eddie, 177

Descartes, Rene, 47, 153 Descent of Man, The (Charles Darwin), 158

de Silva, Ashanthi, 249

de Vries, Hugo, 44

Diamond, Milton, 218


ageing process and, 203

chimpanzee, 28

discovery of, 12—17

fingerprinting, 132—6

function of, 7—9

libraries, 246

‘recombinant’, 244, 248

scrapie agent, 276

‘selfish’, 124, 127-31, 212, 246

structure of, 49—53

Dolgopolsky, Aharon, 187

Dolly, 208, 213, 255

dopamine, 162-7

Down syndrome, 287—8, 298

du Chaillu, Paul, 29

Dulbecco, Renato, 240

Dunnet, George, 201


‘East Side Story’, 31

Eaves, Lyndon, 313

Ebstein, Richard, 163

Eli Lilly, 168

Ellis, Havelock, 292

Epstein-Barr virus, 241

embryological development, 173—84

embryonic stem cells, 254—7

eugenics, 286—300

Eugenics Education Society, 292—4

European Union, 151, 284

Evolution: the four-billion year war (M. Majerus, W. Amos, G. Hurst), 109


Fabian Society, 292—3

First World War (1914-18), 38, 79

Fisher, Sir Ronald, 42, 46, 291—2

Fleming, Alexander, 258

Flynn, James, 89—90

Focke, W. C, 44

Forensic Science Service, 134

Forterre, Patrick, 20

Frankenstein, 219, 251, 252

Franklin, Rosalind, 13, 14

Freeman, Derek, 92

free will, 75, 301 — 13

Freud, Sigmund, 92, 119, 218, 305—6

Friends of the Earth, 2 5 2

fruit fly, 129, 175—84

Furi, Sandra, 144-5


Gajdusek, Carleton, 273—4, 277

Galton, Francis, 78, 85, 89, 90, 287—9, 291, 298

Gardner, Howard, 80

Garrod, Archibald, 38-41, 46, 47, 52

Garrod, Sir Alfred Baring, 38

Gehring, Walter, 177, 178

Genentech, 245

genetically modified organisms, 251—7

genetic engineering, 244—50

genetic imprinting, 210-18

genetic screening, 261—9

Geron Corporation, 199, 205

Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease, 278

Gibbs, Joe, 274

Gladstone, Herbert, 293

Goddard, H. H., 78, 79, 289

Gopnik, Myrna, 98—100

Gould, Stephen Jay, 88, 306

Great Ormond Street Hospital, 39

Greenberg, Joseph, 187

Greenpeace, 252

Greider, Carol, 197

Grotewiel, Michael, 226

Gusella, Jim, 5 8

Guthrie, Woody, ;6, 57

Guy’s Hospital, 60


Hadlow, Bill, 273-4

Haeckel, Ernst, 182, 288-9

Haig, David, 3, 114, 209—11

Haldane, J. B. S., 146, 201, 292, 297

Hall, Peter, 235

Hamer, Dean, 116, 117-8, 163-5, 168

Hamilton, W. D., 120, 146

Harley, Cal, 199

Harris, Henry, 235

Harris, Judith Rich, 305-7

Harwood, John, 112

Hayes, Brian, 51

heart disease:

effects of APOE activity on causes of, 259-61

MrFit trial, 169-70

relation of cholesterol levels with, 148-50, 155

relation of Cortisol levels with, 154-6

relation of testosterone levels with, 159—60

Heisenberg, Werner Karl, 311

Hill, Adrian, 142

Hiroshima bombing, 233, 280

Hider, Adolf, 47

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 265

Holland, Brett, 114-6

Holmes, Justice Oliver Wendell, 290

homeobox, 177

Home Office forensic laboratory, 133

Hox genes, 177—81, 183, 184

"human endogenous retroviruses’ (Hervs), 125

Human Genome Project, 5, 145, 246

Hume, David, 309

Hume’s fork, 301, 309

Huntington’s chorea, 55-66, 75, 241, 264, 280

Huntington, George, 56

Huxley, Aldous, 303—4

Huxley, Julian, 292

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 29, 43

H-Y antigens, 119-21


ICE (interlocus contest evolution), 109, 116

Idenrigene, 134

IGF2R, 77, 87, 210

Illich-Svitych, Vladislav, 187

Immigration Restriction Act 1924 (American), 79, 289—90

infectious disease, 272-85

Ingram, Tony, 311

Institute of Child Health, 98, 216


ape, 29-30, 33

contested relationship with IGF2R, 77, 87

effects of SLI on, 100-01

inheritance of, 76—77, 84—90

testing, 77-90

International Brigade, 48

International Eugenics Conference (London, 1912), 293

Iwasa, Yoh, 215-6


Jakob, Alfons, 275

James, Henry, 93

James, William, 93, 102, 105

Janacek, Leos, 42

Jansky’s nomenclature, 137

Jayakar, Suresh, 146

Jefferson, Thomas, 134

Jeffreys, Alec, 132-3

Jenkin, Fleeming, 43

Jenner, Edward, 258

Johanson, Donald, 33

John-Paul II, Pope, 24

Jones, Sir William, 186

‘jumping genes’, 129-30


Kagan, Jerome, 166

Kamin, Leon, 307

Kandel, Eric, 223—4

Kaplan, Jay, 170

Kelly, Ian, 133

Keynes, J. M., 292

K family, 98-9

Kimura, Motoo, 139

Kingsley, Charles, 29

Kitcher, Philip, 298

Klitzman, Robert, 274

Kuntz, Maurice, 248


Labour Party (British), 292, 294, 297

Lacks, Henrietta, 204

lactase, 192—4

Laetoli footprints, 32

Lake Maracaibo study, 57—8, 62

‘La Monstrua desnuda’ (Juan Carreflo de Miranda), 206

‘La Monstrua vesnda’ (Juan Carreno de Miranda), 206

Lander, Eric, 264

Landsteiner, Karl, 137

Lane, David, 23;


as an instinct, 92—7, 102—6

common ancestry of, 185—90

specific language impairment (SLI), 97—101, 106

Laski, Harold, 292

Leakey, Richard, 33

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 47, 92

Levan, Albert, 24

LeVay, Simon, 116

Levi, Primo, 4

Lewinsky, Monica, 134

Lewontin, Richard, 164, 306, 307

Lorentz (encoding machine), 15

Lowe, Scott, 238, 239

Luca (Last Universal Common Ancestor), 19—22, 25, 26, 198

Luria, Salvador, 48

Lysenko, Trofim, 47


‘mad cow disease’ see BSE

Maddox, John, 178, 266

Maimonides, 71

Man and superman (George Bernard Shaw), 292

Mangiarini, Laura, 60

Mann, Lynda, 132-3

Mao, Xin, 300

Mapping fate (A. Wexler), 64

Marsh, David, 73

Martin, Paul, 159-60

Marx, Karl, 47, 92

Maternal and Infant Health Care Law (Chinese), 299

Matthaei, Johann, 51

May, Robert, 146

McClintock, Barbara, 128

McGuire, Michael, 171

McKenna, Reginald, 294, 295

ME, 152

Mead, Margaret, 92, 297, 306

Medawar, Peter, 201


effects of CREB activity on, 224-6

long-term potentiation as key to, 227—30

Mendel, Anton, 41

Mendel, Gregor, 39-44, 47-8, 52-3, 65—6, 207, 289, 291—2

Mengele, Josef, 14, 134

Mental Deficiency Bill (1912), 294

Mercer, Joe, 266

Mest gene, 215

"Methuselah’ flies, 204

MHC, 144-5

microsatellites, 124

Microsoft, 181, 244

Miescher, Friedrich, 48

Mingzhang, Chen, 299


Alu, 126—7, 129— 31

definition of, 124

discovery of, 131—4

LINE-i, 125—27, 129—31

Mobley, Stephen, 308

Money, John, 218

Monsanto, 252

Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 45—6

Moss’s nomenclature, 137

Muller, Hermann Joe, 46—8, 49, 119, 176


Nageli, Karl-Wilhelm, 44

Nariokotome skeleton, 33

National Geographic, 113

Nature, 178

Nazi party, 291, 297

Negrette, Americo, 57

Neisser, Ulric, 90

neurodegenerative disease, 54—65

New York Times, 191

News Chronicle, 50

Newton, Sir Issac, 16, 311

Niemann-Pick disease, 54

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 289

Nirenberg, Marshall, 51

Nixon, Richard, 233

Nobel prize, 13, 46, 48, 128, 234, 240, 271, 277

Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 264—5

Nusslein-Volhard, Jani, 176


Occam’s razor, 21

origin of life, 11—26

Osier, William, 38

otx genes, 180

Owen, Sir Richard, 29


Painter, Theophilus, 23

Paisley, Bill, 266

Paley, William, 104

Parkinson’s disease, 162, 266

Parry, James, 273

Pauling, Linus, 47

Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 223, 304

Pearson, Karl, 288—9, 291, 293, 297, 300

PEG-ADA, 249-50

P element, 129—30


effects of dopamine levels on, 161 —6

effects of serotonin levels on, 167—72

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 108

Philpott, Mark, 82

Pinker, Steven, 94, 102—3, 310

Pioneer, 253—4

Pitchfork, Colin, 133-4

pleiotropy, 66-75

Plomin, Robert, 77, 87-8, 163

Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 24

Prader-Willi syndrome:

causes of, 213—4

identification of, 206—8

Prado Museum, 206

prion genes, 278-81, 284-5

pronuclei, 208

Prozac, 92, 168

PRP, 272, 277-8

Prusiner, Stanley, 276—9

pseudogenes, 126—35

Punch, 29


Radnor, Earl of, 293

Reagan, Ronald, 264

Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee, 248

Rice, William, 113-6

Rift Valley, 30, 32


discovery of, 18-19

function of, 7—9, 16

relationship with DNA, 17-18

transfer, 50

Robinson, W. J., 290

Roman Catholic Church, 291, 297

Roosevelt, Theodore, 289

Rose, Michael, 203-4

Rose, Steven, 307

Rosenberg, Steven, 248

Roundish Flat Worm (RFW), 181, 186

Roundup, 252—3

Rous, Peyton, 234

Royal Asiatic Society, 186

Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded (1908), 293

Ruminant Feed Ban (1988), 282

Rutherford, Ernest, 46


Sadiman volcano (Tanzania), 32

Salk Institute, 116

salmonella, 142

Sanger Centre, 246, 301

Sapir, Edward, 92

Schrodinger, Erwin, 12, 14

Science, 111

SCID (severe combined immune deficiency), 249-50

scrapie, 272—4, 276—7, 279—82

Second World War (1939-4;), 48, 79, 291

sexually antagonistic genes, 107—21

sexual selection, 42—7, 52—3, 158—60

Shannon, Claude, 1;, 16

Shaw, George Bernard, 292

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 171

Shimojo, Shin, 312

sickening mind, The (Paul Martin), 15 9

sickle-cell anaemia, 141

Sigmundson, Keith, 218

Skinner, B. F., 92

Skuse, David, 216—7

SLI (specific language impairment), 97—101, 106

Sociobiology (E. O. Wilson), 306

Southwood committee (1988), 282

Spanish Civil War (1936—9), 48

Spearman, Charles, 80

Specified Bovine Offals Ban (1989), 282

Spencer, Herbert, 287—8

SRY, 110-12

St Bartholomew’s Hospital, 39

St Hilaire, Etienne Geoffroy, 180

Sternberg, Robert, 80

Stewart, Gershom, 294


as a cause of heart disease, 147—57

causes fall in levels of high-density lipoprotein, 154

causes rise in levels of Cortisol, 149—52

relationship with testosterone levels, 157-60

Sulston, John, 246

Supreme Court (American), 290

Sutton, Walter, 4;

Syntactic structures (Noam Chomsky), 92

Szilard, Leo, 280


Tatum, Edward, 47

Tay-Sachs disease, 191

Three Mile Island, 15 3

Tjio, Joe-Hin, 24

Tooby, John, 102

Tredgold, Alfred, 294

Trivers, Robert, 117—8, 215, 310

Trousseau, Armand, 67

Tully, Tim, 224—;

Turing, Alan, 15,16

Turner’s syndrome, 216—7


uracil, 51

‘ur-gene’, 18, 196


Vallejo, Eugenia Martinez, 206

van Helmont, Jan Baptist, 1;

Vavilov, Nikolay, 47-8

Venter, Craig, 246

Verdun, Battle of (1916), 232

Vogt, Oscar, 47

von Tschermak, Erich, 44


Walker, Alan, 33

water babies, The (Charles Kingsley), 29

Watson, James, 13, 14, 48—50, 61, 196, 299, 305-6, 308

Webb, Beatrice, 292

Webb, Sidney, 292

Wederkind, Claus, 144-5

Wedgwood, Josiah, 294—5, 297

Weinberg, Robert, 237

Wellcome Museum of Medicine, 273

Wellcome Trust 246

Wells, H. G., 292

Werner’s syndrome, 203

Wernicke’s area, 97, 101

Wexler, Alice, 64

Wexler, Milton, 57-8, 64

Wexler, Nancy, 62—3, 64, 264

Whorf, Benjamin, 92

Wieschaus, Eric, 176

Wilkins, Maurice, 13, 14

Williams, George, 201

William’s syndrome, 97

Wilson, E. O., 306, 310

Wilson, Vicky, 132

Woese, Carl, 20

Wohler, Friedrich, 15

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, 5 4-5

Wood report (1929), 296


‘xeno-transplants’, 129

X-rays, 47, 176, 233, 294

Xq28, 117, 118


Yerkes, Robert, 79

Young, J. Z., 27

Young, Lady, 116


Zigas, Vincent, 273