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Aguilar, Luis
Al Qaeda
Alarcon, Ricardo
Alexander the Great
Allende, Salvador Hospital
Amnesty International
Amuchastegui, Domingo
Andrea Gritti
Apostle, The, see Marti, Jose
Arafat, Yasir
Arbesu, Jose Antonio
Arcos, Gustavo
Argota, Maria Luisa
Aspillaga, Florentino
Avellaneda literary academy
Batista, Fulgencio; regime of
Bay of Pigs
Bayo, Alberto
Belen prep school
Betancourt, Ernesto
Betto, Frei
Bin Laden, Osama
Bishop, Maurice
Bonsal, Philip
Bosch, Juan
Bourne, Peter
Bradlee, Ben
Brando, Marlon
Bronstein, Lev, see Trotsky
Bundy, McGeorge
Caesar, Julios
Carter, Jimmy; administration of
Casas, Julio (also General)
Castro Argiz, Angel; appearance of; attitude toward Fidel; attitude toward Raul; military experience; personal qualities
Castro Argota, Lidia
Castro Argota, Pedro Emilio
Castro Diaz Balart, Fidel (“Fidelito”)
Castro Espin, Alejandro
Castro Espin, Mariela
Castro Ruz, Angela
Castro Ruz, Augustina
Castro Ruz, Emma
Castro Ruz, Fidel; adolescent interests; anti-Americanism of; appearance of; assassination attempts on; at Belen; at Biran; attire of; attitude toward father; attitude toward guajiros; attitude toward mother; attitude toward Raul; audacity of; autonomy of; birth of; bogotazo; character of; childhood rebellions; childhood schooling of; childhood traumas; christening of; cognitive skills; congressional campaign of; courage of; executions; foster home; friendships; health of; his names; illegitimacy of; in Houston with Raul; in interviews; in mafia action groups; in the Sierra Maestra; internationalist commitments; intuition of; law practice of; leadership flaws; Leninist convictions; loquacity of; Marxist beliefs; memory of; opportunism of; oratorical style; personal security; personality of; persuasiveness of; preoccupation with betrayal; private life of; reading interests; revolutionary persona; speeches of; treatment of first wife and son; treatment of second wife and children; at University of Havana; U.S. visits
Castro Ruz, Juana (also “Juanita”); attitude toward Fidel; attitude toward Raul; Congressional testimony of
Castro Ruz, Ramon
Castro Ruz, Raul; adolescent years; appearance of; as defense minister; as executioner; as Fidel’s successor; as ideological hardliner; as leader of Second Front; as paterfamilias; as prosecutor; as reform advocate; at Belen; at Biran; at University of Havana; attitude toward family; attitude toward Fidel; attitudes toward United States; birth of; childhood of; see also at Biran; childhood schooling of; doubts about Fidel’s convictions; Fidel’s manipulation of; friendship with Che; friendship with Ochoa; health of; illegitimacy of; in interviews; in Mexico; leadership qualities of; Marxist beliefs of; murder of associate; nicknames of; paternity of; personality of; pro-Soviet views of; sentimentality of; speeches of; travel to Europe; visit to United States; Will and testament of
Castro Soto del Valle, Antonio
Castro, Lina Ruz Gonzalez; appearance of; attitude toward Fidel; attitude toward Raul; letter to Fidel Pino Santos; personal qualities
Casuso, Teresa
Cayo Confites
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); work at
Chapaev, Vasily
Chibas, Eduardo
Chicago Tribune, the
Churchill, Winston
Cienfuegos, Camilo
Clinton, Bill
Colby, William
Colombia Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC)
Colome Ibarra, Abelardo (“Furry”) (also General)
Coltman, Leycester
Communist Party; American; Cuban; Soviet
Constitution (of Cuba); reinstatement of
Conte Aguero, Luis
Council of State
De Beauvoir, Simone
de la Guardia, Antonio
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
del Pino, Rafael (also General)
Demajagua, Bell of
Department of Defense
Department of State
Diaz Balart, Mirta
Diaz Balart, Rafael
Dolores school
Dominguez, Jorge
Dominican Republic
Dubois, Jules
Dulles, Allen
Dzhugashivil, Iosof, see Stalin, Joseph
Eagleburger, Lawrence
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; administration of
El Dia (newspaper)
El Salvador
El Sol de Mexico (newspaper)
Engels, Friedrich
Espin, Vilma (also “Deborah”)
Esquivel, Alfredo “el Chino”
Feliz, Father
Ferber, Edna
Fernandez, Alina
Figueres, Jose
Ford, Gerald R.; administration of
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)
Franco, Francisco; regime of
Franqui, Carlos
Freedom Flights
French Revolution
Fuentes, Norberto
Fursenko, Aleksandr
Gadea, Hilda
Gaitan, Jorge Eliecer
Gandhi, Mohandas
García Márquez, Gabriel
Garcia, Calixto
Garcia, Guillermo
Georgetown University
Gerena, Victor
Geyer, Georgie Anne
Gomez Brothers Technical Institute
Gomez, Lionel
Gomez, Maximo
Gonzalez, Dominga
Granma (Communist Party daily); English edition of
Granma (yacht)
Grau San Martín, Ramón; administration of
Grau, Juan
Guajaibon, Pan de
Guantánamo Bay
Guantánamo naval base
Guerra, Eutimio
Guevara, Alfredo
Guevara, Ernesto “Che”
Hartford Courant
Helms-Burton law
Hemingway, Ernest
Hero of the Republic
Hevia, Carlos
Hibbert, Louis Hipolyte
Hidalgo, Alcibiades
Hilton, see Shamrock Hilton hotel
Hitler, Adolf; writings of
Hoover, J. Edgar
Houston Chronicle
Houston Post
Houston summit
Hussein, Saddam
International Monetary Fund
Isabella II
Isle of Pines
Isle of Youth, see Isle of Pines
John Paul II, Pope
July Twenty-sixth movement, see Moncada
Karol, K. S.
Kennedy, John F.; administration of
Khrushchev, Nikita
King Jr., Martin Luther
Kissinger, Henry
Korean War
La Salle school
Lage, Carlos
Lenin, V. I. (also Vladimir)
Leonov, Nikolai
Llorente, Amado (also Father)
Lockwood, Lee
Lopez Fresquet, Rufo
Lopez Miera, Alvaro
Macheteros, the
Mahony, Edmund
Mao Tse-Tung (also Zedong); China of
Mariel boatlift
Marshall, George
Marti, Jose (“The Apostle”)
Martin, Lionel
Marx, Karl
Marxist-Leninist: doctrine; orientation; world
Marxists, see Marxism
Masetti, Jorge
Masferrer, Rolando
Matos, Huber
Matthews, Herbert
McCarthy, Glenn
Mestre, Ramon
Ministry of Interior (MININT)
Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (MINFAR)
Miraval, Felipe “el Chino”
Missile Crisis
Montane, Jesús
Montes, Ana (also “A. B.”)
Morales, Calixto
Mussolini, Benito
“New revolutionary man”
Naftali, Timothy
Napoleon Bonaparte
National Assembly
National Defense College (of Cuba)
National Intelligence Council
National intelligence estimate (NIE)
National Intelligence Officer (for Latin America)
National Press Club
National Security Council
New York Times
Nixon, Richard M.; administration of
Ochoa, Arnaldo (also General)
October Revolution
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
“Old communist”
Operation Aguila Blanca
Organization of American States
Ortega, Daniel
Orthodox Party (Ortodoxos)
Osorio, Chicho
Ovares, Enrique
Padilla, Heberto
Pajama Plan (Plan Pijama)
Palace of Justice building
Pampa, Mario
Pardo Llada, Jose
Pastor, Robert
Paya, Osvaldo
Pazos, Felipe
Peña, Aracelio
Peña, Lazaro
Perez Roque, Felipe
Peruvian embassy (of Cuba)
Pham van Dong
Pino Martinez, Fidel
Pino Martinez, Raul
Pino Santos, Fidel
Pino Santos, Mario
Pino, Raul
Platt Amendment
Playboy magazine
Portell Villa (also Portell-Vila), Herminio
Primo de Rivera, Jose Antonio
Prio, Carlos
Puerto Rican Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN)
Puerto Rico; Fidel’s university activism; in national intelligence estimate; priority for Fidel; support for terrorism in United States
Quevedo, Father
Quinn, Sally
Quirk, Robert
Raffy, Serge
Ramirez Sigas, Amador
Rasco, Jose Ignacio
Reagan, Ronald; administration of
Revuelta, Natalia
Roa, Raul
Rodriguez Morejon, Gerardo
Rodriguez, Carlos Rafael
Rodriguez, Lester
Rogers, William
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rosales del Toro, Ulises (also General)
Rovira, Juan
Rubio, Diego
Ruz Gonzalez, Lina, see Castro Ruz, Lina
Sanchez, Celia
Sandinistas, the
Santiago: city of; beauty (La Bella de Santiago); Hemingway character
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Seaborne migration
Second Declaration of Havana
Secretos de Generales
Semichastny, Vladimir
Shamrock Hilton hotel
sierras; Sierra Cristal; Sierra Maestra
Smith, Wayne
Somoza, Anastasio
Soto del Valle, Dalia
South Africa
Soviet Union; Cuban subsides; disappearance of; Raul initiates first contacts
Spanish Civil War
Special Period in Peacetime
Stalin, Joseph
Stanford University
Stone, I. F.
Sugar cane
summit, non-aligned
Szulc, Tad
Thomas, Hugh
Tiananmen Square
Tito, Josip Broz
Tortolo, Pedro (also Colonel)
Trotsky, Leon
Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas; dictatorship of
Truman, Harry S., administration of
Ulanov, Vladmir Ilyich, see Lenin, V. I.
United Fruit Company
United Nations (UN)
United States
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
University of Miami
University of Texas
U.S., see United States
USSR, see Soviet Union
Valdes, Ramiro
Varela Project
Verde Olivo
Vienna; communist youth festival
Viet Cong
“Vietnam syndrome”
Waldheim, Kurt
Walters, Barbara
Washington Post
Wayne, John
Wells Fargo robbery
White House
Wilde, Oscar
Wolf, Markus
Worker, The
World Bank
Zero Option plan